Tleisalzeo Species in Avrakt | World Anvil
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Highly social, but cautious squid-like creatures, with a pseudo-hive-mind. Most are allies with the Eqix.

Basic Information


The Tleis are much like earth squid in appearance, though they are still very different. Tleis have seven arms, lined with razor sharp hooks that curve inward rather than suckers that they can adjust a bit. Though there are a couple subspecies that adapted differently, hooks are the most common. Their mouths are not quite beaks like squid or octopi have. Instead they have 5+ segments of something like sharp hooked teeth that when closed line up almost perfectly. Though due to their overall small size they are still prey to larger creatures of the water. Sometimes prey to things living on the islands or in the air. This is the main reason they have the ability to change color, camouflage and disappear. Their base colors seem to vary but they rarely show them. Though this has become a way to communicate, combined with some limited bio-luminescence. This, however, is not their main way of communicating with each other. They have a limited range hive mind, each member on the edge can expand the reach to those that would otherwise be out of reach. Though one issue with this is it isn't global, several subspecies from different regions have their own hive mind.

Biological Traits

Planetary specific traits: Tleis living in deeper oceans are usually larger and sometimes tougher than shallow water dwelling Tleis. Tleis in some regions also developed venom in their hooks and/or bite. Even different kinds of venom between the different regions. Planet bound hives also have a slightly different social structure, but that's another story.

Ecology and Habitats

They are native to the large and relatively shallow oceans of Sikses.

Additional Information

Social Structure

With their hive mind they are highly social and group oriented. They do retain enough individuality to have different personalities though. Hives refer to the entire group that can reach each other with the hive-mind if in reach. Each Hive is divided into a large number of 'Packs'. Which are mostly seen in their names rather than in practice. Though specific Packs will gather more among themselves in larger gatherings.

Average Intelligence

Slightly above to far above humans. Depends on the number of others that are around.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Hive mind like connection within one kilometer of each individual, decent sight, fairly strong smell, they are very sensitive to touch. Do not try to poke them or they will bite off your finger and shred your hand/forearm with sharp hooks because they hate being touched by strange other species.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Most hives are fairly reliant on the Eqix, though some try to shy away from this.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

They typically have shortish, two part names that range from melodic/and or soft to harsh to unpronounceable for humans and anything in between. With parts being separated by an apostrophe. The first part ranges from 2-5 letters though are usually 3 or 4 letters long, and occasionally cases of 6 letters. This is their version of a first name. The second part is usually 2-4 letters long, but there are a few instances of 5 and even 6 letters. This is a pack name. There are however cases without pack names. These are usually treated with some suspicion. As the packless are usually exiled from their pack or had something happen where they stripped themselves of the pack's identity. You can basically read their names as 'X of Y Pack'   Their Hives have a similar naming system, except they are two major packs of the hive run together.

Major Organizations

Auziq, Kazvo, Quask, Vlhyae, Zastasu, and Zeiaq are all major space bound Hives.

Common Dress Code

Tleis can change colors, hive and pack gatherings are usually very brightly colored, unless they need to hide.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Most hives look highly upon the Eqix, who basically uplifted them once they figured out how to communicate.
An appearance for them, colors vary wildly:

by Foxyowlet

Average Length
2-3 ft

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Cover image: by Foxyowlet


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