Sikses Geographic Location in Avrakt | World Anvil
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"How did any life develop on that planet? Huge oceans, fractured land masses, weather is usually severe storms. I heard the core of the planet is cooling and the star puts off more harmful rays than Sol. Not to mention that they're ready to abandon the place first sign that the star is ready to go supernova. I say that's a death world."

Sikses is the unlikely planet for life around the even more unlikely star Kiq. Home of the Eqix and Tleisalzeo.


Mostly archipelago with some larger land masses scattered around. Not much for mountains, most of the land is worn by constant storms.

Fauna & Flora

Most plants are flimsy enough to not snap but strong enough to not be uprooted by strong winds. Only the toughest creatures survive the surface which provides for some... interesting evolution.   Underwater is more forgiving, though still quite hostile. Unfortunetly outsiders are not welcome, otherwise they might be able to see the lovely underground gardens the Tleis manage around their cities.
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Cover image: by Foxyowlet


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