Zastasu Organization in Avrakt | World Anvil
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"What do you think lives out in the uncharted regions around Stiriks space? Things that live in the dark? Whatever it is, I say it seems to be thriving out there."

Having seen the pain that the last war caused, the Zastasu struck out on their own, becoming as independent as they could. Proving that they could, in fact, thrive on their own. More than recovering the losses they suffered and helping their surviving allies. Though they stay out of conflict where they can, knowing what will happen if another war occurs.


Main Article: Av'iz || Leading Council || Standard count: 4
Like most hives, Auziq generally has four Av'iz at a time, all living on the Truz'yhn, with a number of potential candidates in training for when one of the current ones step down. The Av'iz are capable of focusing on just each other's thoughts to communicate, using this to speak with each other and decide what is best for the rest of their hive. Their thoughts are the loudest in a hive, and provide a focus or guide for the rest.
Each Av'iz also commands part of the fleet that surrounds their command ship, with a roughly-even split. Of the ranks that come below Av'iz there are multiple of most to reflect this.
Main Article: Sol'aes || Scout/Comms Lead (Nusa Class) || Standard count: 1
A major rank that operates more alongside the Av'iz, rather than below it. The job of a Sol'aes is to keep their scouts organized, and in battle keep the scouts spread out and acting as a comms network, using their mental link to chain and keep the fleet connected over larger distances. As well as making sure the orders go the right way.
Main Article: Is'o || Bomber Lead (Vysok Class) || Standard count: 4
Also nicknamed 'Shellbreakers' Guide'. These fall close behind Sol'aes in ranking, only being told who and when to attack with more freedom in exactly what they hit on a target. Those chosen for this rank have an uncanny knack for knowing where to hit a ship to put a hole in the hull with a bomb or ten, and are typically veteran crew members of Vysok Stealth Bombers.
Main Article: Ies'oe || LAF Lead (Sycla Class) || Standard count: 4
Commanders of some of the most feared ships in any Tleis fleet, Ies'oe are known for being vicious hunters. Commanding swarms of deadly Sycla class Light Attack Frigates, keeping them in formations that optimize how many turrets can point at hostile targets while also keeping them from getting shot by their hivemates in the process.
Main Article: Ges'e || Light Corvette Lead (Driyz Class) || Standard count: 4
Commanding Driyz these commanders focus on stunning smaller ships in hostile fleets, weakening them to attack by the rest of the fleet. Though they are less impressive than some of the other ships, they are also alarmingly the most willing to be left behind if it means the rest of the fleet can escape.
Main Article: Ahk'en || Heavy Gunship Lead (Boerahr Class) || Standard count: 4
Frequently called 'Formation Breakers', these commanders direct the more heavily armored gunships in disrupting formations of smaller ships classes, or pounding on the armor of larger ones in a focused assault. While not as swift as the Syclas, they can take a few hits before going down, and still manage to put out a lot of firepower.
Main Article: Es'il || Carrier Lead (Ceitisura Class) || Standard count: 1
These small carrier commanders have two things to worry about: making sure all interceptors are launched for their I'ix, and making sure the carriers themselves remain in one piece, especially those fitted for cargo hauling.
Main Article: I'ix || Interceptor Lead (Xyrid Class) || Standard count: 5
Most I'ix report to their Av'iz, however there is an additional I'ix that manages interceptors deployed by Es'il commanded carriers. These commanders have an especially strong focus on rapid deployment hit-and-run swarming and strafing of larger targets, commanding the fastest combat ships in the entire fleet. Their lives are also in some of the greatest danger, as they often lead headlong into battle
Main Article: Xre'sk || Civilian Carrier Lead (Qalli Class) || Standard count: 1-2
Commander of the most protected ships in any hive, their job is to keep any civilian ships accompanying the command carrier organized. And should a battle start make sure they get out in one piece while everyone else keeps the threat occupied.
Main Article: Vaz'ael || Scout Lead for Packs || Standard count: Unknown
Vaz'ael are typically only leaders of roaming Drift fleets, however despite this relatively low standing compared to the upper ranks they report directly to a Sol'aes or even the Av'iz themselves. They are skilled scouts, and the vast majority of them have the Vaz Ikzel mutation as the cause of this.
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Organization Vehicles

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Cover image: by Foxyowlet


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