Dhampir Species in Avestra | World Anvil
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You would do well to watch your tongue when speaking of Lady Belmore. As a Dhampir scion, I am honor and blood bound to defend her honor. And while I may not be a vampire, trust me when I say Dhampir will rip you asunder and drink you dry just as easily. So kindly watch yourselves in the Belmore Court. Because we are long-lived and know well how to use those many, many, years of experiences.
— Nala Belmore, Dhampir daughter of Lady Belmore

Civilization and Culture


Dhampir history goes as far back as their Vampire creators. While many Vampires  tried to only have children with other Vampires, noble hearts and passions are always fickle. Born of forbidden couplings and wedlock, the Dhampir were at first looked down upon for their half-blood lineage. And quite a few families who abandoned or ignored these children came to feel their wrath. While Dhampir do not have the power of Vampires in full, they had the lifespan to serve as enemies to the clans that rejected them. And it was from the blood that spawned in the early centuries of Lonavi history that led to a revamp of how Dhampir should be treated.
As time went on, clans went on to acknowledge their illegitimate children, especially Dhampirs. In response, they were expected to show absolutely loyalty toward the clans that begot them. This loyalty is what added the Lonavi people during the coming of the Elders as Dhampir served as able-bodied soldiers and agents against the Aberrations. Now, the majority of them still serve loyally, even being able Vampire Hunters against the monsters that were created in the wake of the The Elder-Eternal War.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Dhampir and Vampire relationships can either be the best of a parent and child or the worst. The vampires that take care of their half-blood spawn can relish absolute loyalty in exchange for forming an unbreakable bond. However, Dhampir anger can lead to centuries of tension and animosity to the point where it fractures a clan or even ends it. For Dhampir formed from love, they can commonly expect the former. For those born from wedlock or nobles playing their game, the Lonavi gods flip a coin on the fate of the unlucky child.
Geographic Distribution
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