Nova Missile Item in Avendora | World Anvil

Nova Missile (Cover image: Class V Nova Missile)

Overview: Nova Missiles are some of the most destructive and rightfully feared weapons in the galaxy. They are so powerful, in fact, that the Saurian Empire (the sole owner of the missiles as they have been deemed far too dangerous to be exported) has greatly limited their own use of the weapons to only the most necessary of circumstances. The way such carnage is accomplished is by an explosion around a core that produces a reaction so efficient that nearly 100 percent of the material is consumed in the reaction, leading to a massive yield. The plasma ball expands outward, not only building in heat and intensity but in gravitic effect, which will eventually reach a supercritical point where the very explosion implodes in on itself, taking any matter nearby with it and compressing it into a point so small where nearly every bit of THAT matter then combusts. This explosion is an order of magnitude greater than the initial one.   Function: Most Nova Missiles of class IV and above will have the capability of faster than light travel, which is achieved through an apparatus fixed to the outside of the missile's body. In addition, prongs are affixed to this frame that use special field projecting to emit a field around the projectile that prevents it from being torn out of subspace by outside forces. The main other defense mechanism of the missile is a phase shift drive also located in the surrounding carapace which allows the missile to phase straight through physical barriers and defenses such as shields as well as disallowing hard kill defenses to effect it.   Stages: The stages of a Class V nova missile are as follows:   Stage 1: The missile is launched from either a ship, orbital station, or land base, entering subspace immediately after where it stays until it is close enough to the target planet. At this point it drops out of subspace through a hastily opened rift and hurtles towards its final destination at roughly 20 times the speed of sound.
  Stage 2: While the missile has not yet even reached the surface, it detonates in the atmosphere to effect a larger initial area and to not cause a reaction due to critical implosion too soon.
  Stage 3: The explosion grows in size extrmely rapidly, this blast with approximately 75,000 megatons of power. The fireball quickly raced across the surface of the planet, a notable chunk being reduced to atoms by the pure ball of plasma.
  Stage 4: The shockwave rocks the planet to its very core as debris is shot into its stratosphere, the explosion still continuing to expand until finally it reaches a critical state as matter consumed by the plasma reaction condenses beyond the point of combustion.
  Stage 5: In a microsecond, the reaction changes from exploding to imploding as a mini singularity is created, drawing any matter into a single point from thousands of miles in every direction.
  Stage 6: Implosion continues, the entire planet itself and every soul on it along with any moon or ship nearby disappearing as they are compressed and condensed into a smaller and smaller point of pure potential energy manifested as temporarily physical matter.
  Stage 7: For a moment the universe seems to hold its breath as everything goes silent, spiderwebs of red lightning-like energy the only thing left in the planet's place as the fabric of reality strains to repair cracks and tears in its own essence. Then the implosion reaches its supercritical state.
  Stage 8: In just a brief moment all of the energy, potential, realized, and that converted from the matter itself, is released in an explosion so colossal that it shakes the galaxy to its very foundation. The effects of the explosion can be easily registered across even the farthest reaches of the galaxy as the entire system is wiped from existance and then some. This final explosion is estimated to be somehwere around 800,000,000,000,000,000,000 megatons.
  Aftermath: The force of the last blast is so great that even though there is no air in space to send a shockwave through, it creates ripples in the fabric of reality that act in a similar fashion, expanding light years out in every direction. These ripples have been known to destroy ships, satellites, and stations just by itself in neighboring systems to the one that no longer exists in addition to creating an EMP effect so strong that even many Saurian ships are not immune in an even larger radius. After the final explosion has finally dissipated, the area is still not safe as massive amount of cosmic radiation comtinues to leak from the small tears in the universal fabric for potentially years until it can finally mend itself. Physically, the system becomes a massive field of elements, mainly vast clouds of gas and fields of dust. Some say the very souls themselves of those that are lost are snuffed out forever, but this cannot be substantiated by current technological standards.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The way Nova Missiles create such destructive yield is by utilizing the energy of matter consumed by the special calibrated plasma in the initial explosion to create a miniature singularity (black hole). This singularity is partially contained within its own dimensional pocket field sustained by a device still being phased shifted at the core of the explosion. This prevents the singularity for destabilizing or expelling the collected matter too early. When a certain amount of time has passed, enough for adequate matter to by consumed, the phase shifters run out of power and are destroyed, causing all the collected matter to instantly be released into the same plane of existence and all the energy accumulated to be let loose at once. This had an effect like no other matter-reacting ordinance ever created.
  Class I Nova Missile
Item type
Weapon, Explosive
Owning Organization
There are five classes of Nova Missile (as denoted by I-V, with the first of suitable size for wiping out large cities, the second continents, the third moons, the fourth whole planets, and the fifth and last entire solar systems. The number of Nova Missiles posses by the Saurian Empire is as follows:
Class I: 342,755
Class II: 306,240
Class III: 77,324
Class IV: 5,982
Class V: 391
Base Price
I: $160,000,000
II: $562,500,000
III: $1,750,000,000
IV: $23,300,000,000
V: $176,000,000,000


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