"Ready your ships and ready your swords, for today we fight with the wind in our sails and strength in our wings. We need none else"Far in the northeast, beyond the most distant shores of Alvana and the Dragon's Scales, lies the minor continent of Kiptravos. This mysterious land, covered in tall mountains and vast forests, is mostly unfamiliar to all but the Falco-Kiptrani that live there: it wasn't so much as known about for thousands of years, and inaccessible to outsiders for thousands more. For only a short time has this region been open to Avani from other countries, but it is still far from the rest of civilization and a dangerous place to visit.
Kiptravos is a region divided into three small but distinct areas: Westerwood, Kivawood, and Pekwa. These areas consist of more gentle hills and small lakes, separated by towering mountains and fjords. Most of the inland areas are heavily mountainous and jagged: even the shoreline mostly consists of tall cliffs. Lots of rivers and lakes are scattered throughout the area, so many that most aren't even mapped or named. Freshwater is plentiful, welling up from springs in the ground or flowing down from the mountain peaks that are often covered in snow.
Many visitors have remarked about the natural beauty and energy of Kipravos, but few visitors will stay. Kipravos is cold. Within a hundred miles of the Arctic circle, the point where the sun doesn't rise or set during the solstices, the area is defined by its chilly summers and frost-smitten winters. This makes living in the area a fairly difficult task.
Notable Regions
Westerwood, one of the three main regions that the subcontinent is divided into, is a valley nestled between the towering Folmari Mountains and the East Lota sea. It is dominated by rolling hills, some nearly 300 meters in height, and dense seasonal forests. Most of these forests are a mixture of conifer forests and cold-weather deciduous trees, mostly dependent on altitude and proximity to the arctic circle. Visitors have often noted that these forests are extremely colorful and beautiful in the fall. Another notable feature of this valley is the number of lakes and rivers running through the area. Though a few larger rivers are marked on maps, these bodies of water are so plentiful that many of them are unnamed or even unmarked: why bother keep track of them all? These are more frequent in the lowlands between hills. As the traditional home of the Kiptrani, Westerwood is a fairly well-developed and populated area. Five major cities are scattered throughout the valley, generally named after the most prominent species of tree in their area (in fact, the name Westerwood comes from the wester trees dotted across the western side of the subcontinent). These cities are generally quite crowded, but their population counts don't reflect that. Westerwood is one of the few areas safe enough for most to live outside the heavily protected community walls.Natural Resources
The area has an abundance of natural resources that the inhabitants use to their advantage. Timber, harvested from the various exotic conifers and rare deciduous trees that cover the boreal landscape, can be used to create plenty of structures, ships, and weapons. Some of these trees are even believed to hold magical properties: thus, they have become important symbols in Altowood culture. Many of their cities are named after the most plentiful type of tree found in their local area.
In addition to these forests, Kiptravos also contains other useful resources. Freshwater from the melting snow is abundant. Wildlife to hunt and consume is plentiful. The cliffs and mountain sides are rich with ores to mine for their uses. Fisheries make up a significant portion of the local economy. However, not everything is so plentiful. Due to the climate and rocky terrain, wide-scale agriculture is almost impossible. Even subsistence farms are limited to the lowlands and the southernmost coasts of the region.
Far in the northeast, beyond the most distant shores of Alvana and the Dragon's Scales, lies the minor continent of Kiptravos. This mysterious land, covered in tall mountains and vast forests, is mostly unfamiliar to all but the Falco-Kiptrani that live there.
Alternative Name(s)
kip-ta-varos (Talin), Kiptra
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
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Author's Notes
I'll be adding a detailed region map really soon