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Out of the clouds came a shadow, a shape diving out of the night sky. Smoke and flames and the screams of the dead rose into the sky.
  Among the most dangerous creatures on Avanima, dragons are a rare species of flying predators that roam the skies of some areas of Kinavi and Kahdro. These warm-blooded reptiles are deeply connected to magic and use it as breath weapons to hunt and fight. Though they are large and capable of easily snacking on Avani, most aren't a threat to birdfolk; it is believed (though not confirmed) that they are an intelligent species.

Basic Information


Though many physical traits of dragons are dependent on their class of magic, all of dragonkind share a common body plan and internal anatomy. Each dragon has six limbs: four legs and two wings. Their body is covered in small scales that are fairly thin and flexible. Providing little actual physical protection, their main purpose is thermal regulation while in flight and acting in some way as a shock absorber to minimize damage from hard impacts.   Internally, they are warm blooded and have a four chamber heart to pump blood throughout their large bodies. Their digestive system consists of two stomachs; the first is incapable of digestion and is designed for storage, while the second acts as a normal stomach would. With a strong immune system and liver they are mostly resistant to toxins and diseases. In their mouth, near the back of their throat, all dragons have specialized breath weapon organs corresponding to their Magic domain. The most common type by far is Chaos magic, represented by an ability to breathe fire.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dragons, in order to support their active lifestyle and large bodies, require taking in large amounts of meat every couple of days. They hunt by flight and will eat just about any large animals they can find, from large cats and elephants to sharks and whales. Upon finding suitable prey, they'll kidnap it (usually alive) and carry it back to their nest, where they'll consume it. Smaller animals are usually swallowed whole.   While they are primarily carnivores, dragons are also capable of obtaining some sustenance from berries and fruits. However, it is not enough for them to survive for extended periods of time.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most dragons are concentrated in the southern regions of Kinavi, though some occasionally venture northward to the more populated areas of the continent. According to Tangeri mythology brought back by Lazul Paz during his expeditions to the lost continents, they may also inhabit Kahdro.

Average Intelligence

Though it is has never been verified, there are a wealth of anecdotal stories indicating that dragons may be intelligent creatures approaching or exceeding the average Avani. Some tales exist of dragons mysteriously helping birdfolk in times of need, sparing them from becoming prey, and avoiding the borders of major cities.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dragons are known to be almost impossible to hide from; they have strong sight, an even stronger sense of smell, and decent hearing as well. However, they also have an extremely poor sense of touch and awareness of their closest surroundings. If being hunted, your best hope of remaining hidden is actually to get as close as possible or even making physical contact.
Scientific Name
Draconis Major
82 cycles
Average Height
20-40 spans (5-10 feet)
Average Weight
240-600 pounds
Average Length
40-120 spans (10-30 feet)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
A dragon's body color is one of the main traits that distinguish them based on their domain of magic. The corresponding colors are: bright yellow for Light, light blue for Redemption, Dark red for Passion, red-orange for Chaos, blue-gold for Fortune, grey for Deceit, purple-black for Darkness, green for Retribution, dark-grey for Discipline, blue-white for Order, silver for Fate, and blue for Clarity.
Geographic Distribution

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