Vampire Species in Avalon | World Anvil


Perhaps the most distrusted races in Avalon Vampires get a bad rep mostly because of their feral brethren and their inability to live without drinking blood. Originally Vampires were created to be nothing more than monstrous soldiers to serve the Aryan war machine. However many were able to retain their human memories and sense of humanity. While some have gone feral and seek to dominate the world many try to live a peace full life coexisting with the other races.

Basic Information


Appear human except their skin has grayish tones of varying decrees as well as fangs in place of canine teeth.

Genetics and Reproduction

Have children the same as human.

Vampires may also bite victims and turn them into vampires. This normally happens once a month when a Vampire's hormones and poison systems cleanse themselves. During this 3-4 days the Vampire craves blood and if they bite a living victim that person will turn into a vampire. While there are reports of vampire's transforming others before or after their cycles it is extremely rare.

Growth Rate & Stages

Life Span: 200 years.

Infant: 0-3 years

Child: 4-16 years

Adolescence: 17-74 years

Adulthood: 75-180 years

Elderly Years: 180-200

Ecology and Habitats

Vampires may live in almost any habitat but prefer underground locations such as Dwarven cities.

Dietary Needs and Habits

If a Vampire does not drink 4 pints of blood for at least 4 days, they take 2 strain per day until they drink more blood.

Vampires mostly eat meat but also enjoy other foods as well. They can survive without water as long as they drink enough blood or may survive by a combination of the two.

Biological Cycle

Puberty comes around age 16 and lasts until roughly age 18. During the start vampires develop their poison bite and towards the end develop their ability to turn others into vampires.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Tight Patriaricle or in the cases of the Bellevue, Vastral, Sildor, and Mune clans Matriarchal families. Head of Household owns the home and the families belonging to that house hold do what they can to better their name within their clan and community. While the Vampire clans are scattered across Avalon individual houses tend to stay close by each other.

Males and Females are treated as equals. Those who have yet attained adult hood are expected to follow their families wishes and hep pursue their family goals.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Night vision within 60ft but sees everything in black and white. During the day their can see just fine 30ft, up to 60ft everything is slightly fuzzy. After 60ft everything is fairly blurry.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Vampires use names to show heritage. Their first names are unique to them as individuals. Their middle names are the name of their clan and their last name denotes which household of said clan they come from.

General Term for male Vampire: Vampire

General Term for Female Vampire: Vampira

Major Organizations

Non-feral Clans:

Sinistra, Denia, Bellevue, Rorrim, Versil, Nyx, Sildor, Mune, and Vastral

Known Feral Clans:

Tepes, Thornwood (thought extinct), Scythia, Iron Skull, Moonblood, Phantom Fang, Night Stalker, Legion, Rose, Nesha, Baphomet, Nephilim,

While these clans do not control their members like a nation would it is expected that you are to give aid to a fellow clan member unless they have turned feral or on the run from the law (though many will aid lawbreakers).

Courtship Ideals

Vampire courtship is a mix of arraigned marriage and free to choose marriage. The mother of the Vampira will pick a number of suitors she (along with input from Vampira's father and the head of their household) find acceptable. Each suitor will then attempt to win the heart of the Vampira and her parents.

In some places notably Baldur some Vampire Households in Higher standing have adopted arraigned marriages or will simply choose 2 or 3 suitors for their Vampira.

In any case the most earliest accepted marrying age is 30 but most will not marry until 60 or 70. Though suitors may be chosen as early 18.

Relationship Ideals

Vampires look for a companion of their equal. They want someone they can share adventures with as well as someone who will help them pursue their goals in life. Romantic love does play a large part but Romantic Love in Vampire society is seen more as a promise and choice than a feeling they have no control over.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common, Dwarven, Elvish

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Baring fangs is comparable to flipping someone off.

Common Taboos

For non-feral vampires using their fangs unless in a life of death situation is considered a sign of going feral and in some places is grounds for putting said vampire under house arrest for a couple of weeks


Created as an Aryan experiment with assistance from Seth. Once Created the Vampires were placed inside a cavern city of their own. They divided themselves into many clans. Currently it is believed that 20 such clans exist in the area around Avalon. When Wilhelm Hoffman started the 1st Avalon Aryan War 10 clans joined forces with him. They helped corral the other monsters out of the Dream Mine and tried to keep them from human cities though this proved much harder than they intended. During the early years many vampires kept quiet about their heritage. This was due to many hating the vampires because of their feral brethren who killed for pleasure.

During the dividing of Avalon many vampires went with the Drow to live with the Dwarves in the mountains. Their ability to see in the dark better than the dwarves made them ideal partners. During this time many vampires wanted their own nation/homeland. After much debate clan Thornwood against the wishes of the Council of Races went north into the Salt Lake Valley and created the nation: Cossvania. This nation was short lived however. Tragically soon after the nations creation word reached the Council of Races of a strange vampire calling himself Strahd or sometimes Dracula. He was moving among the youth of Cossvania teaching that Vampires were the first inhabitants of Earth and the true rulers of the planet. Many enjoyed his vision and the nation declared war on the other races. A coalition with help form the Divines destroyed the nation killing all who would not agree to coexist peacefully. The area would soon be overrun by werewolves and abandoned by the Council.

The remaining 9 clans have spread across the map. Doing everything they can to earn the trust of those around them and build a life as best as possible. 4 tribes went to live with the Dwarves, 2 tribes went north to live in Norden Reunia, 2 tribes help to found the nation of Baldur and 1 tribe joined the nomadic Centaur heards to the South and East.

Historical Figures

Bellona Vastral Acerbi also known as Bellona Homes. Adventurer, Cleric of Athena, Co-founder of Knights Hospitalitar Knightly Order. Wife of Titus Homes other Co-founder of Knights Hospitalitar.

Aberash Hoffman: Wife of Wilhelm Hoffman leader of the first Aryan rebesl and first king of Norden Reunia

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Vampires are shunned by High Elves and thus shun them. Vampires usually get along with other races though there are those of any race that distrust them. Vampires that commonly bare their fangs or use them in fights are often not trusted even by other vampires.
Vampyr by Sonora Palmer


Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Aryan Experimentation. Ancient come from magic of The Lady of Alexandria.
200 years
Average Height
Male: 5' 9" to 5' 11"

Female: 5' 4" to 5' 7"

Average Weight
male: 185lbs to 200lbs

165lbs to 180lbs

Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
skin: gray tones

Hair: black to white tones

Bellona Homes
Bellona Homes by Sonora Palmer

Bellona Homes


Ability Score Increase
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Night vision within 60ft but sees everything in black and white. During the day their can see just fine 30ft, up to 60ft everything is slightly fuzzy. After 60ft everything is fairly blurry.

If a Vampire does not drink 4 pints of blood for at least 4 days, they take 2 strain per day until they drink more blood.

Vampire Bite: Deal 4 damage and 3 poison next round. If during your chosen day of the month, turn target into Vampire. If you roll a successful Charm check, they become your ally. Gain 3 stress for strike, and 5 stress to turn target into a vampire.

Vampire Players may also choose to play as a second race to play as such as a Vampire Orc or Vampire Blood Elf or play as a standard Vampire Human.

Languages. Common, if playing as another race ie Vampire Elf they may also speak base race language. They may also pick one language to be learning.


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