Vampire | Race | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Ability Score Increase
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Night vision within 60ft but sees everything in black and white. During the day their can see just fine 30ft, up to 60ft everything is slightly fuzzy. After 60ft everything is fairly blurry.

If a Vampire does not drink 4 pints of blood for at least 4 days, they take 2 strain per day until they drink more blood.

Vampire Bite: Deal 4 damage and 3 poison next round. If during your chosen day of the month, turn target into Vampire. If you roll a successful Charm check, they become your ally. Gain 3 stress for strike, and 5 stress to turn target into a vampire.

Vampire Players may also choose to play as a second race to play as such as a Vampire Orc or Vampire Blood Elf or play as a standard Vampire Human.

Languages. Common, if playing as another race ie Vampire Elf they may also speak base race language. They may also pick one language to be learning.

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