Numenai (Wild or Mist Elves) Ethnicity in Avalon | World Anvil

Numenai (Wild or Mist Elves)

Breaking off from their Elven brethren during the Great Elven Schism these Elves chose a life more harmonious with nature. Numenai in Avalon are mostly found among the nomadic Centaur herds though some have made small villages in the forests of the Dragon Peaks mountains. Two tribes were even said to have migrated north to the Salt Valley, though no one has heard from them in a hundred years or so. Numenai seek to live more in harmony with nature and view themselves as nothing more than another species of creatures in the circle of life. They do not value gold or gems like other races but rather prize great gardens, healthy livestock or pets and a happy family. Numenai worship El and use shammins to commune to with the Fey instead of worshiping the other gods and goddess.


Major language groups and dialects

Elvish, Common

Shared customary codes and values

Numenai value family, nature, honesty, and open mindedness above all. They believe it was a failure to keep these values that led to the Elven race to divide into its different ethnicities. To them people should seek to live in harmony with nature instead of striving to command or dominate it. This belief has led to them having a good relationship with the Fey of Elfhaim.

Common Etiquette rules

Numenai do not allow anything to go to waste and use everything in some way.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Numenai prize peace over war. They will do all they can to prevent wars and conflicts with their neighbors. However they are not afraid to defend themselves when provoked. The Numenai are fierce warriors who believe in fighting as fiercely as the beasts of nature . Just the sight of Numenai warriors can send bandits, cultists, and enemies fleeing. This is do to the Life Pact all Numenai swear to. This pact states they must use everything they kill as a source of food and use every part of its body. Some use the meat of their foes to feed livestock or wild animals. Other take this law literally and eat their fallen foes before turning the bones, skin, and other remains into tools or fertilizer for their gardens.

This law in the Life Pact influences how Numenai treat plants as well. If any plant of any kind is to be harvested the Numenai they use all it from roots to leaves. Some parts are used as food for animals, some like tree roots are often given to artisans to make sculpture or jewelry.

When it comes to building Numenai try to build with as little impact on the environment as possible. Some use Shaman magic to weave vines and trees to make living homes that keep growing and expanding. Those who are nomadic live in large Yurts made from animal hides. At times stone will be laid down provide a platform for which weavers to build more intricate buildings.

When Numenai harvest plants and kill wild creatures they will say a prayer of thanksgiving to the plant or animal harvested. They thank it for allowing them to use their life and resources to better their lives and the environment.


Courtship Ideals

Numenai seek out one spouse to "mate" for life. Numenai look less at earthly aspecs such as social status, power, wealth ect when looking for a spouse. Instead they ask two questions, Will I be happy with them, and would they be a good parent?

Relationship Ideals

Numenai enjoy having relationships with those who are open minded, kind, and honest. They distance themselves from those they view as deceitful, closed minded, wasteful, those who enjoy fighting and picking fights.
Encompassed species
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