Mulvaru Coast Confederacy Organization in Avalon | World Anvil

Mulvaru Coast Confederacy

A small confederacy of 3 city states. The Mulvaru Coast was created by Lowe, Orcs, Goblins, and Kobolds who had grown discontent with living under other nations rules. After a brief war against Avalon Kingdom the 3 city states: Reme, Orcmandur, and Lestia became self governing. The Coast has become a place of differing cultures and values that somehow live harmoniously together. Reme (home of the Kobolds) is known for producing great mercenaries and engineers. Lestia (home of the Lowe) is known for its merchants, hunters, and pirates. Orcmandur (Home of the Orcs and Goblins) however is known for its artisans, alchemists, and scholars. While each city state largely remains independent there is an "Elder Council" that rules on matters that effect the Confederacy as a whole.


Elder Council - Akiko Hana (Male Lowe), Minoh Evnol (Drow Lowe) Fuyu Haruki (Lowe female) Erina Maata (Orc Female), Ori Rata (Orc Male), Catret Zrag (Goblin Female) Burnuvix (Kobold Female), Yiruath (Kobold Female), Vamava Mozran (Toren Male)

Foreign Relations

Avalon Kingdom: There is a bitter rivalry between The Confederacy and Avalon Kingdom. Avalon resents Mulvaru for splitting off from it. Due to threats from Cultists and the Aryan Empire, neither country has fought in all out war. However there have been many border skirmishes between the two nations. Both nations have also been locked into a cold 'spy' war against the war for many years.   Norden Reunia: Norden does a lot of trading with the confederacy and has tried to help them with defense during the Age of the Godless. Norden has been largely happy to allow the confederacy to handle it's own destiny.   Korvaskr: At first the Dwarves were sympathetic to The Confederacy. However when this hurt their relationship with Avalon Kingdom the Dwarves removed their assistance. This has been interpreted as a betrayal by The Confederacy. To them the Dwarves choose humans over fellow fabricated. Mulvaru merchants refuse to use or sell Korvaskr goods. Instead they buy oar from Azteca and Norden Reunia.   Suna Kinorsca: Due to the distance and nations in-between them, the High Elves and Mulvaru Coast have little dealings. Most in The Coast view the elves with skepticism due to actions by the High Elves from the Great Catastrophe.   Prussia: The Confederacy and Prussia are not on good terms. Their bad blood springs from Mulvaru Coast helping Baldur win territory from Prussia. While not as hostile with Prussia as with Avalon Kingdom. Mulvaru Coast does enjoy having sport competitions as well as merchant wars with Prussia.   Baldur: The only country The Confederacy has a alliance with. Being both small nations started from rebellions. The two nations feel connected. They have worked together to fight cultists, spy on other nations and conduct pirate operations.   Waterdeep: Malvaru's economic and pirate rival. Their pirates and merchents have been in near constant trade war with each other.    Azteca Empire: Malvaru has kept close trading ties with Azteca. Azteca provides a stable source of metal ore while Mulvaru offers goods the other nations may not be willing to trade.

To shape our own Destiny

Founding Date
12-25-236 AC
Political, Confederation
Alternative Names
The Confederacy, Mulvaru Coast
Mulvarite, Mulvarites
Power Structure
Neighboring Nations


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