Toril Geographic Location in Auxis | World Anvil
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Toril is the third planet from Sol in the Torillian sphere. It is an earth-sized planet consisting of various continents and islands and a vast frozen continent at the southern pole. While the primary literature of the known world discusses the highly populated lands of Auxis, speculation of lands beyond the seas to the east, west and south of the super continent have speculated the existence of other populations and civilisations, and potentially other forms of magic.   Individuals and parties have attempted to venture out of the controlled seas of Auxis, but none have ever reported to return. It is unclear when sentient, mortal life first came to Toril, or how exactly old it is, but current doctrines state that the Toril was created along with the Crystal Sphere by the Primordial Mother out of the Primordial Flux during the Founding, and life was sparked by Anum during the Years of Gold, and sentient life developed between his long rest and the Awakening. Most religions in Auxis constitute the origin of Life to the trinity - Iallanis, Obadai and Arno, though these are highly spiritual figures and there are no reports of communication between mortals and these deities.   Toril has one Moon, named Selune, named after the goddess of the Heavens. It orbits Toril on an wide elliptical path every 28 days, 10 of which are spent close to the planet and 18 far from the planet. The days where the moon is closer result in an eclipse every four months, and larger tides on the shores of the hemisphere the moon is closer too. The days where the moon is further away result in calmer and more stable tides throughout the day, and a fainter moon in the sky.   Orbiting Selune is a large celestial body dubbed "Selune's tears", a large asteroid cluster visible from Toril, which appears to follow Selune along its path around the planet. There are hundreds of them, trailing the moon and orbiting one another. Several are home to air pockets and caves which are home to various extra-planar and void-breathing bodies.


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