Ship's Reef Settlement in Aurora | World Anvil

Ship's Reef

In the heart of the ocean, Ship's Reef emerges as a vibrant city where the call of the sea intertwines with the spirit of freedom, guided by the timeless principles of the Pirates Code.
  Nestled in the heart of The Shattered Isles, Ship's Reef stands as a testament to the resilience and audacity of those who seek the freedom of the open sea. This bustling mega city, once a mere haven for pirates, has transformed into a thriving community governed by the unwavering principles of the Pirates Code, the Dockmasters Guild, and the unique governance of the Captains' Democracy.


Renowned across the Keepers Coast, Ship's Reef is celebrated as a legendary safe haven for pirates. The Pirates Code guarantees sanctuary to any ship at port, fostering a sense of unity among the diverse crews that call the city home.   Many who sought refuge from the aftermath of Duskveil's siege found a new home in Ship's Reef, contributing to the city's cultural richness with a blend of races.


Captains' Democracy: The city's leadership is a vibrant tapestry of democracy, with captains of renowned ships playing pivotal roles. The Captains' Democracy operates under the jurisdiction of the Pirates Code, ensuring a fair and just society for all pirates who call Ship's Reef home.   Pirates Code: The foundation of Ship's Reef, the Pirates Code, is a set of unyielding principles that govern pirate conduct. From impersonation to parley, and from fair shares to exile, the Code ensures order and camaraderie among the city's seafaring denizens.   Dockmasters Guild: The esteemed Dockmasters Guild track the captains, crews and ships that venture in and out of Ship's Reef. The make sure everyone is accounted for and take a 10% tax for docking at Ship's Reefs ports.


The Lighthouse: A symbol of guidance and protection, the lighthouse is a vital defense against the tumultuous sea. Enchanted to minimize the impact of storms, it bathes the city in a perpetual minor storm, shielding Ship's Reef from more destructive weather.   Storm Minimization: While the lighthouse protects against major storms, its enchantment ensures that the city experiences only minor inconveniences—gentle rains and occasional thunder, adding a mystic ambiance to daily life.

Industry & Trade

Trade and Commerce: Ship's Reef thrives on the exchange of goods, information, and tales of daring exploits. The city's markets bustle with activity as pirates and traders alike seek to barter their wares and experiences, carefully monitered by the Trade Guild.


List of Establishments

Shipwright’s Workshop
Owner: Gideon Stormweaver He opened up a small shop in the heart of the port town, offering shipbuilding materials and supplies to sailors and shipbuilders alike. The shop quickly became a success, thanks to Gideon's keen eye for quality materials and his deep understanding of shipbuilding. He named the store Shipwright's Workshop, and over time, it became the go-to destination for anyone looking to build or repair a ship.   Today, Gideon is a respected figure in the shipbuilding community. He is known for his expertise in all things nautical, as well as his unwavering commitment to quality and craftsmanship. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or a landlubber looking to build your first vessel, Gideon Stormweaver and Shipwright's Workshop are sure to have everything you need to set sail on your next adventure.     This store sells ship building and rebuilding materials, and can help design and improve ships.  
Marine Outfitters
Owner: Toby Flendisen (Personality e.g. Rawnchy, Halfling Male)   Nautical supplies, compasses, charts, anchors, diving gear, etc. any equipment for going out on the water  
Cannon Fodder
Owner: Hector Ironstrike, a half orc blacksmith that is missing his left tusk. He has his son, Torgar, help him run the shop. A store that specializes in making cannons for ships, including custom designs. Each cannon that is made here has an anchor on the underside of the tip of the weapon, as the sigil for the craftsman who made it. They have recently branched out into gunsmithing, but that has yet to take off….  
Tavern of the tides
Owner: Finley Oceanside, an elderly elven man, who has retired from sea faring. A watering hole for the newly arrived, with a nautical themed menu and decor Menu:  
Captain’s Quarters
Owner: Isadora Seaborn, she was born into a sailing family, she prides herself on getting every pirate their own Aesthetic This store sells high end decoration and clothing for ships and their crews, as well as higher end nautical equipment such as sun dials, and the occasional compass.  
Seaserpent’s Hoard
Owner: Priscilla, an elven woman, and her husband, Kyvir, a tiefling man. At least one of them is always in the shop, she tends to deal more with the valuation and sale of goods, while he tends to manage the goods and ensure that thieves and the like are prevented and dealt with. This is where you go to buy and sell goods found far away on travels. Anything from the trinket in a lost tomb, to textiles from an unheard of land can all be found here!  
Fishmonger’s Market
Major Owners: A bustling market for any number of fishers to sell their fresh catch to shipbuilders and sailors. It’s also where most of the information spreads the fastest in the city.  
Shipyard’s provisions
Owner: Yorkini, a very small gnomish man. He’s cheery, mostly, and wants to know every detail about an adventure– To help them find what they need, of course. Essential items for those going out to sea, salted meats, rums, ales, other foodstuffs.  
Octopus Arms
Owner: Calypso, an Axolotl, that has an affinity for stabbing people…. A store that is run down, selling swords, muskets, and other weapons for crews of the ships. It’s also a fairly common place for meetings of those in the underworld of the city.  
The Graveyard
Owner: The Cloak, very little is known about them. They seem to always know the cause of how a ship was destroyed, but as for who they are, and what they look like, well, they wear a large black cloak that seems to shroud them in shadows. A store that specializes in selling reclaimed and salvaged materials from sunken/abandoned/overrun pirate ships, including the occasional treasure that isn’t pawned to Serpent’s Hoard.


At the heart of Ship's Reef lies the Giant Dock, a sprawling expanse where every vessel, from nimble sloops to majestic galleons, has its own dedicated raft. The dock pulsates with life as pirates prepare for new voyages or share tales of the high seas.

Guilds and Factions

Thieves Guild: The city houses a prominent Thieves Guild, acting not as a den of deceit but as a hub for external connections. Facilitating trade and information exchange, the guild ensures that Ship's Reef remains well-connected with the world beyond.   Dockmasters Guild: The esteemed Dockmasters Guild track the captains, crews and ships that venture in and out of Ship's Reef. The make sure everyone is accounted for and take a 10% tax for docking at Ship's Reefs ports.   Trade Guild: Ship's Reef thrives on the exchange of goods, information, and tales of daring exploits. The city's markets bustle with activity as pirates and traders alike seek to barter their wares and experiences, carefully monitered by the Trade Guild.


The city is a unique fusion of Venetian aesthetics and pirate flair. Buildings and establishments rest on their own little rafts, creating a captivating pirate-themed Venice amid the vast ocean.


Located in the Ocean within The Shattered Isles.
Alternative Name(s)
City Oceana: All hail the Charter
Location under

Articles under Ship's Reef


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