Dockmasters Guild Organization in Aurora | World Anvil

Dockmasters Guild

The Dockmasters Guild stands as a reliable custodian of maritime order within Ship's Reef, ensuring that every ship that sails into the city is accounted for, contributing to the city's prosperity and safeguarding the principles of the Pirates Code.
  The Dockmasters Guild, an esteemed and efficient organization within Ship's Reef, plays a vital role in tracking the maritime activities of captains, crews, and vessels navigating the bustling waters of this pirate haven. With meticulous record-keeping and a keen eye for detail, the guild ensures accountability, security, and, not to forget, a well-maintained ledger of dues.


Accountability and Tracking:

  Comprehensive Records: The Dockmasters Guild maintains a comprehensive ledger that records the arrival, departure, and activities of every ship and crew within Ship's Reef. This exhaustive record ensures that all maritime movements are accounted for and can be referenced as needed.   Captain and Crew Profiles: Detailed profiles of captains and their crews are cataloged, including ship specifications, affiliations, and notable achievements. This extensive database aids in establishing an organized maritime environment.  
Port Tax Collection:
  Dues for Docking: The Dockmasters Guild imposes a standard 10% tax on all ships docking at Ship's Reef ports. This levy serves as a contribution to the maintenance and security of the docks, providing a source of revenue for the guild and the city.   Transparent Transactions: The guild operates with transparency, ensuring that captains and crews are well aware of the docking tax and the benefits it brings to the community. Regular audits and open communication foster a sense of trust between the guild and the seafaring denizens.  
Security Measures:
  Port Surveillance: In collaboration with the city's defense mechanisms, the Dockmasters Guild actively monitors the ports for any irregularities or potential security threats. This vigilance contributes to the overall safety and protection of ships and crews within the harbor.   Collaboration with Pirates Code: The guild aligns its security protocols with the principles of the Pirates Code. This collaborative approach ensures that the Dockmasters Guild's actions are in harmony with the broader maritime guidelines followed by the pirate community.  

Role in Governance:

Data Sharing with the Captains' Democracy:
  Information Exchange: The Dockmasters Guild collaborates closely with the Captains' Democracy, sharing essential information about maritime activities. This exchange ensures that the governing body is well-informed for decision-making processes related to citywide policies and conflict resolution.  
Economic Contribution:
  Funding City Projects: The tax revenue collected by the Dockmasters Guild contributes to citywide initiatives, such as infrastructural developments, repairs, and community projects. The guild thus plays a pivotal role in the economic sustenance and growth of Ship's Reef.  
Maintaining Order:
  Preventing Smuggling: Through stringent tracking and regular inspections, the Dockmasters Guild actively works to prevent smuggling and illicit activities within the harbor. This commitment to order and lawfulness aligns with the overarching goals of the pirate community.
Government, Leadership


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