Aurora Stone Material in Aurora | World Anvil

Aurora Stone

Aurora stone is a type of rock capable of absorbing energy from the Rifts, naturally-occurring portals between Aurora and Earth. It is called this because it turns black and iridescent when charged, resembling the night sky. It is used in its liquefied state as an energy source, powering all the technology in Citadel.   The process for harnessing its energy is as follows:  
  1. The aurora stone is searched for and carefully extracted out of the ground.
  2. It is brought back to a controlled environment and exposed to an open portal.
  3. Once the aurora stone is fully charged, it is heated at high temperatures until it melts.
  4. It is then stored in glass chambers and vials, which are used as batteries for various pieces of technology.


Material Characteristics

Uncharged aurora stone looks like an ordinary grey rock with copper veins running through it. Charged iridium has an iridescent black surface. Aurora stone heated below its melting point emits an orange-red glow from the inside.When charged and liquefied, it turns into an oil-like substance. Some have compared it in this state to the night sky in liquid form.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Aurora stone has a rough, sandpaper-y texture. It can only melt if it has been sufficiently charged. If aurora stone is heated in its natural state, it glows a bright orange-red from the inside until it crumbles or, in some cases, explodes.

Geology & Geography

Aurora stone is often found in unsculpted land. It is often marked by the presence of aurora stoneflies.

Origin & Source

Aurora stone is often embedded into the ground and must be extracted carefully by sculpting the land around it.
Aurora stone has a slight burnt smell when charged, which intensifies upon heating.
In its natural state, aurora stone has a dusty grey appearance and visible copper veins on the surface. When it is charged via energy from the Rifts, it turns a glittering, iridescent black.
Aurora stone is highly dense in its liquefied state.
Common State
It is commonly found as a solid.


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Aug 20, 2023 22:15 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

Pretty good article! Thank god no one tasted it though... :-)

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