The Silent Organization in Aureole | World Anvil
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The Silent

The Silent is a group from The Crown Territories , whose sole purpose is to gather intelligence on the machinations of The Sunside Empire , for use in The Forgetful War .


The Silent is built up by a strict hierarchy of magic users, with The Quiet Architect  at the top, followed by several ranks.

Public Agenda

While the Silent is not a publicly known organization, they certainly do have an agenda: to end The Forgetful War , and return Aureole to its previous, peaceful state. Their main focus is therefore to infiltrate The Sunside Empire , and gather information, and if necessary, perform other missions.


The Silent does not have access to large amounts of resources, however it has one major advantage: Magic. All members of the Silent are able to manipulate their environment using magic.

Silence leads to the solution

Founding Date
Secret, Occult
Alternative Names
Silent, The Silents
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Silents, The Silents
Leader Title
Parent Organization

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