Cloudreacher Vehicle in Aureole | World Anvil
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A Cloudreacher is a new Skycaller  vehicle type, capable of flight. It uses the strong winds from The Constant , to propel itself up and northward (as this is the only direction the constant travels). It can travel extremely quickly up north, but not south at all, or east and west very much. Cloudreachers are mostly used for military opperations, from transporting goods to The Voidrun Tactic .

Power Generation

Cloudreachers are powered by the constant for its travel capabilities, with auxiliary systems being powered by steam power.


Cloudreachers are propelled by the wind. To get into the air, a large sail is opened, which will carry the craft along a rail based launch

Weapons & Armament

Loaded with Evera Bombs , harpoons, ballistae and more.

Armor and defense

Steel armour plating covers the ship.
Owning Organization
12 Meters
The further north, the faster.
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
6000 kg

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