Shardblade Item in Aurelimoore | World Anvil
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Each shardblade is an expertly crafted longsword with a razor sharp edge forged from a shard of Liliose Goddess of Death own sword. No two Shardblades look alike. Every one has its name or other designs engraved on the blade.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Type: Martial Melee Weapon (Longsword)Damage: 2d8 Slashing Properties: Versatile (2d10)   Dormant: You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made using this magic weapon.   Reaper's Toll When reducing a creature to 0 hit points, you may pay the Reaper's Toll (take 1d6 necrotic damage) to gain advantage on all attacks until the end of your next turn.   Awakened: You now have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made using this magic weapon.   Reaper's Chosen You have advantage on death saving throws.   When dropped to 0 hit points roll a d20. On a 20 you instead are dropped to 1 hit point.   You gain resistance to necrotic damage while attuned.

Exhalted: You now have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made using this magic weapon, on a natural roll of 14 or higher the blade deals double damage to living creatures with discernible anatomy if they are not wearing shardplate.

Soulshear. When you score a critical hit on a creature without a shardblade, if the target is at 40 hit points or less, it kills the target as long as it has no legendary actions, is your size or smaller, and has a discernible anatomy.   Each time you deal damage to a living creature, reduce its maximum hit points by the damage dealt. Shardblades do not reduce temporary hit points, they always deal their damage to a creature's natural hit point total.   In order to regain their lost hit point total, a player must be at their current maximum hit points and then spend hit dice during a rest, regaining the maximum hit points equal to the number rolled, up to your natural maximum hit points.

Bonded Blade. Once attuned, this weapon may be dismissed as a bonus action, disappearing into the æther. It can then be summoned as an action, appearing from mist in the wielder's hands. Once summoned, a shardblade remains as long as the owner wishes it to stay. It may be dismissed by the one attuned to it even if another creature is wielding it. If a creature who has attuned to a shardblade dies, the blade manifests at their side as though summoned. In order to willingly break your bond with a shardblade, you must summon it and let it go, willing away your connection. A shardblade may not be attuned to a creature if another living creature is already attuned to it.


Forged from a shard of Liliose Goddess of Death's own sword, following The Fall of Shards.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Unique Legendary Artifact (Requires Attunement)
3 lbs.


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