Rhonx Species in Aurelimoore | World Anvil
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Rhonx are large, muscular, six legged mammals covered in thick coarse hair with multiple horns and tusks. They are herbivores that eat a lot of grass, shrubs, reeds, small trees, and fruit. They have been domesticated, acting as both mounts and beasts of burden.

Basic Information


Rhonx are strong hardy beasts of burden with six legs. Their large muscular bodies are covered with a tough hide and thick coarse hair.

Genetics and Reproduction

The average gestation period of the Rhonx is about sixteen months. They also tend to go about two and a half to four years between birthing calves.

Ecology and Habitats

Rhonx typically can be found in temperate to tundra climates. They require grasses and shrubs to survive as they are their primary food source. While they prefer milder climates, they have become rather prominent in the colder frozen north.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Rhonx are herbivores, they predominately eat grasses and reeds.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Rhonx generally live a solitary lifestyle, though it is not unheard of for them to form small groups of up to ten Rhonx. This behavior is particularly common among females with calves, as it can help mothers protect their offspring at a time they face greater threats from predators. A group of Rhonx is called a thresh.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Rhonx are used as mounts and beasts of burden. Some traveling tradespeople use them to pull their wagons. Additionally they are used by farmers to help plow their fields.

Facial characteristics

A wide mouth with large flat teeth for grinding plants.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

For thousands of years the rohnx have been found throughout the northern portion of Angimarr, throughout the kingdoms of Marus, Nyrenthia, The Pale, and the Great Unknown. In the modern age traveling merchants have begun to bring them further south to the rest of the continent.

Average Intelligence

Rhonx are intelligent creatures with about the same level of intelligence of a dog.
35-50 years
Average Height
Average 6-7 feet at the shoulder
Average Weight
7,000 lbs.
Average Length
Adults average 10-12 feet in length
Average Physique
Their stout muscular bodies contain immense strength which allows them to pull over two tons for extended periods of time. Larger rhonx have been able to tow over three and a half tons. The can reach a top speed of 35 miles per hour when charging, however this is not sustainable for long periods of time. They average about 4.5 to 5 miles per hour at a standard pace.


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