The new camp Building / Landmark in Aurasong | World Anvil
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The new camp

The new camp is located in the west of the colony.
Surrounded by mountainous terrain it is decently fortified and only has very few paths into it.
It is lead by a group of people that call themselves the mercenaries whose leader is called Lares Oberst.
Instead of trading their magic ore with the outside world, they give it all to The mages, who are mentioned further below.
  The main part of it with the housing area and shops is located inside a large cavern with a small lake just outside of it. The lake was originally a river but a dam was built by the first people that settled here.
The second part is below the dam and called the lower area, it is a large field growing rice using the water from the dam.
The rice is one of the main food sources for The new camp, they also make rice whiskey from it.   The lower area is protected by cliffs and a palisade.     The last part of it is Lares's mine and it only has one path to it, which is accessed from inside The new camp.   It has 4 internal groups; The farmers, The bandits, The mercenaries and The mages.   The farmers are the poor sods that are being forced to work on the rice field all day, they are more slaves than anything and are people that were captured from the other camps, those that failed to earn the trust of Lares or people that are being punished with temporary work on the field.   The bandits are guys that are almost their own faction, they are free to roam The new camp and live here as long as they take up duties to support The new camp.
These duties usually consist of hunting, guard duty, capturing new guys that are being sent into the colony to work in the rice fields and such things; their loyalty is more to themselves than The new camp.   The mercenaries are the leaders of The new camp, they do all the important work and anyone else in the camp must listen to them. They are called that because they are for most intents and purposes swords for hire for the mages, they believe in what they are working towards and support them as best they can.   The mages are protected by the mercenaries and are hidden away in a section of the caverns only very few are allowed access to, most mercenaries aren't even allowed to enter here. The mages are priests of Adanos who are working on a way to escape the colony.
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