Helmsgood Settlement in Aurasong | World Anvil
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A large mountainhome. This is the capital of Gatal.   Built into the Windwall Mountains.     Its Mayor as of 1002 is Rathspori Gand.   In the main hallway near the throne room are nice marble tablets on the walls detailing the heroes of the hold.
Among them, some of the newest names are of adventurers: Luthien, Exx, Rolo, Urist and Pelwhite.     It serves as a defence against the Orcs from The Harrowing Wasteland for the Humans and Elves that live on the other side of The Windwall Mountains.
Something that is definitely being taken for granted by them.   It has a deep and extensive mining network.


The thick mantle of the world itself serves as walls for this city.
Many towers with balistae, catapults, many crossbowdwarves and hammer/sword/axe/speardwarves organised into the Fortress Guard (which is led by Tholig Azkahr) are all part of the defences of this bulwark of a city. One must also not forget the large number of traps that have been well engineered into the city.

Industry & Trade

The majority of its resources come from the bowels of the world, gems, ores and rock are being extracted from its deep network of mines. A large portion also comes from its weapon and armour smiths that continuesly produce well crafted works. The majority of its stock is being exported to places on the mainland.


Some of the more impressive infrastructure here are the adamantine forges in some of the deepest areas of the mountain home. Another infrastructure that must be mentioned is an elevator which is operated by steam pistons, gears and levers that allows fast traversal of the different levels of the mountain home and its mines.
Though common folk are allowed to use it, its use is mainly reserved for use by the miners, artisans and military.

Guilds and Factions

Helmsgood has several different guilds.   The Miners Guild that drives the expansion of the tunnel and mining network, they have permission by the King to handle most of this on their own.
The Artisans Guild that has many different professional and hobby crafters, smiths, carpenters, masons and so on. Its main goal is to continuously improve the quality of the craftsdwarfship by training Artisans, giving them opportunities to find work and encouraging the sharing of various skillsets.
The Musicians Guild which calls all dwarves with an interest in music to join them. Together they improve their skills with various musical instruments, how to create song, improve melodies and so on.
The Poets and Book Guild that encourages its members to study poetry, read and write books, write story tablets and such.


The architecture here is well refined and majestic.
On the outside near the entrance are masterwork statues at least 60 meters tall hewn out of rock that look as if they are there to guard the equally impressive entrance which is made out of smooth stone blocks and is almost as tall as the statues itself, though the actual entrance into the mountain home is only 10 metres tall.   The main hallways have high ceilings with decorated pillars. The walls show engravings detailing the history of Gatal.
Founding Date
1833 BCC
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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