Aufyra {Planet} Geographic Location in Aufyra | World Anvil
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Aufyra {Planet} (ow-fie{like pie!}-rah)

This planet is the setting of TBD RPG! The universe beyond is still an unmapped mystery.   Aufyra has four moons and a creation myth with dragons. It does not have a tilted axis and therefore does not experience seasons.   The planet has an ether current connected to its water & weather cycles, and the natural flow of magic is linked to all life. Its manifestation is most obvious in special locales like the Windy Forest, but it is also a part of everyday interactions. The element individual humans are most closely attuned to is reflected in their irises, a trait encountered in most social exchanges with the species.   Aufyra has unique locations known as Anchors, areas unaffected by tectonic shifts.   {PATRON SECRET!}

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