Tower of Judgement Building / Landmark in Atraeleon | World Anvil
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Tower of Judgement

The headquarters of the Imperial Inquisitors is an imposing fortress situated in the heart of the Atraea's Throne. The building is made of dark stone and is surrounded by high walls and towers, giving it an intimidating appearance. The entrance is guarded by heavily armed soldiers, and only those with proper authorization are allowed inside.   Inside, the fortress is a maze of corridors and chambers. The main hall is large and dimly lit, with high ceilings and torches casting flickering shadows on the walls. At the far end of the hall is a raised dais where the High Inquisitor holds court. The walls are lined with torture devices and instruments of punishment, serving as a constant reminder of the power and authority of the Inquisitors.   The lower levels of the fortress contain dungeons and interrogation chambers, where suspected heretics are brought to face justice. The air is thick with the scent of blood and sweat, and the screams of the tortured echo through the stone halls. The Inquisitors take pride in their reputation for extracting confessions through any means necessary, no matter how brutal or inhumane.
Acropolis / Citadel
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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