The Remen Wolf Species in Atlantica | World Anvil

The Remen Wolf

The legend of the founding of the Remen Empire begins with a story of two infant boys of noble birth that were found and suckled by a she-wolf, thus saving their lives. There, among the seven hills of Reme, the boys grew to young men, and dreamed of founding an empire. Sadly, as brothers often do they fought, as legend goes, over the building of a wall. One brother Romulus raised his hand against his brother Remus, and with strength alone would have struck down and killed his brother. However Remus in his intelligence and wisdom had learned enough magic to defend himself and killed Romulus instead.   Thus in the early years of the empire before the advent of Deorum Hominis the she-wolf was venerated. Her statue can still be seen in Reme today as a beautiful bronze piece with two young boys underneath her suckling. The she-wolf became the symbol of the benevolent restraint of power, and sometimes the source of power for the founder Remus. In fact to this day drinking wolf milk is said to imbue power to those who can acquire it. Some Universities have attempted to lay this superstition to rest, as there is no real magical benefit to wolf milk, however, the belief persists.   Much of the symbology and any worship has been lost over time, or displaced by worship of Deorum Hominus. There have been rumors of a cult that worship the she-wolf surviving into modern times, and even some rumors that its worship is tied to the worship or veneration of lycanthropy. In fact these rumors may very well be true, and it is not lost on scholars that the she-wolf herself might very well have been a lycanthrope. If this is the case, the identity of the human form of the wolf is cause for speculation.
by Merulana
The Statue of the She-Wolf of Remus, still found today in the city of Reme.
Authors Note: This beautiful statue is real in our world as well, and those familiar with the legend of Romulus and Remus know that in our world Remus is the one that was slain. Thank you to Wikimedia for this lovely photo.
Merulana, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons.
  For more information as to how such branches occur in our reality see Trans-Dimensional Harmonics


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