sXVI: Onwards! To Nulb! Report in Asyur | World Anvil

sXVI: Onwards! To Nulb!

General Summary

Deciding he needed time alone, Dùghall left for Verbobonc and the training grounds for a month. During this time, Firebrand, C2, and Legion would stay in Hommlet. While held up Firebrand and Legion would learn as much about the local area as they could, and focus heavily on the local religions of St. Cuthbert and his god-patron Pelor. At the same time C2 sold Coffee outside the Inn of the Welcome Wench. The strange machine with no skills of communication other than beeps would ganner little capital, but would hook two locals on coffee.   Retuning back to Hommlet, Dùghall saught out some form of levitation to help get across the black spike beneath the Moathouse that sat at the tail end of the old abandoned road system that started in Nulb. Unwilling to pay Burne's prices he decided to seccure them from Terosh's Scrolls, who would have to order them from Daggerford. Having a week of waiting the Mercenaries decided to head up the old road shown on their maps by Burne and Rufus, towards the Ghost town of Nulb. Before leaving however, Dùghall remembered Xaod had previously visited the area for a job, and deciding to consult the man of the location before hand sought him out. Revealing that it was indeed haunted, Xaod offered to be a guide to the village, for free, but he would not help in any fight against the undead that haunted their former homes in the village. Satisfied with this agreement the Mercenaries headed north along the old road to Nulb.   Spending three days to travel along the decrepit road, the group would encounter many wild creatures. Ranging from badgers, to wolverines, to another Feywild forest guardian. This guardian revealed that he was brother-sister to the guardian of the forest of the moathouse to the south, and brother-sister to the guardian of the forest far to the west in the mountains - who was also dealing with similar problems. Knowing of the groups help with this brother-sister's forest in the south, he pleaded they help with his and the other brother-sisters, before all the guardians are frought with this creeping Evil. Firebrand and Dùghall offered their aid if possible, but where warned of their probable deaths and likely failure. Even so, the Mercenaries marched onwards, pleasing the guardian with coffee.   Late on the third night, before arriving in Nulb, the group encountered an ankeg clearing. Upon Dùghall realising this he retreating from the clearing, leaving Firebrand alone to see the thing fly in front of the distant second moon. He was also the only one to see the thing land on the cliff at the far edge of the clearing. Not being afraid, he aproached the creature from space. Seeing the creatures exposed brain and the implants their-in, Firebrand attempted to communicate with the creature using the psionic telepathy he, C2, and Legion all share thanks to their Galactic Citizens Alliance implants and upgrades. Comminicating with the creature in seconds, Firebrand learns of a hidden ninth planet of aliens, technologically advanced, and is able to warn this creature of the coming storm before it flies back off into the void of space, pleasing the creature with a trade of information.

Character(s) interacted with

Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil
Report Date
15 Feb 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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