Races of Asylum in Asylum | World Anvil
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Races of Asylum

"There have been many new people to arrive in Asylum over the aeons, and I would gladly accept a thousand more. All are welcome in my world."
— The Arbiter
  Across the vast lands of Asylum, there are a multitude of different races, each with its own unique culture and history. In most places, the races mingle and mix together to create new, unique and vibrant societies.   Some races are unique to Asylum and have been created specifically for this setting. These races are marked with a s. Likewise, some races have been modified or been given new subraces for this setting, and are marked with a a. Finally, some races are reskinned versions of existing races and are marked with a h.  
Aasimar are peculiar and otherworldly beings infused the power of the Celestial beings hailing from Bliss. A rare sight in Asylum, they are often born through the union between mortals and Celestials.
  Bugbear are bulky, fur-covered Goblinoids. Like their cousins, the Goblins and Hobgoblins, Bugbears are refugees from the Faewild, created to fight a war that was not theirs. Now, Bugbears find themselves trying to make their way through a world that fears them.
  Bwarghas are towering, bear-like humanoids that live on the fringes of civilisation. Reclusive and secretive, the Bwargha are said to be the keepers of the natural order and venerate their family and names.
  Changelings are exceedingly rare, shapeshifting humanoids. Supposedly the spawn of The Minstrel, one of the 13 Divines, Changelings often find themselves outcasts and victims of distrust.
  Dhampir are half vampire humanoids. Commonly born from a union between vampires and humanoids, they can also be created artificially through blood magic rituals. As with vampires, they bear the curse of vampirism, though their bodies do not degrade to the same standard as vampires. They often hide behind masks to conceal their truth.
  Dragonborn are creations of the dragons. Using an arcane ritual, a dragon can transform a simple dragon egg into an egg that hatches a small brood of Dragonborn. Born with tremendous power, they often find themselves torn between the world of dragons and the world of mortals. In the wake of the Dragonblood war, many other races are wary of the Dragonborn.
  Dwarfs are a mountain-dwelling, stout and hardy folk split into two distinct societal classes. The lowborn Hill Dwarves and the highborn Mountain Dwarves are constantly at odds with one another, in a conflict that has spanned a thousand generations. Deep in the Underdark, dwell the Duergar, former outcasts of Dwarven society, and now masters of their own realm.
  Elderforgedsare an ancient race of mechanical humanoids constructed by the Elders. Having recently awoken to a new, changing world where their masters are dead and all but forgotten, the Elderforged now strive to find their place in Asylum.   Elderborn Hybridh are ancient abominations from the time of the Elders. They resemble humanoids fused with different animal body parts and can often be found wandering abandoned and decrepit Elder laboratories, searching for meaning in this life they were given.   Elvesa of asylum are a diverse, nomadic folk spread across the continents. They rapidly acclimate to new environments, and each caste of Elf has adapted unique attributes to survive in their surroundings. Most are beholden to the ideals and teachings of The Traveler and spend their days roaming the world and gathering what knowledge they can.
  Genasia are elemental humanoids born from chaos and magic. Found all across Asylum, they often seem to appear out of thin air in places of wild magic. They have also been known to be created by powerful mages. They commonly integrate with the larger nations of the world.
  Gnolls form close-knit packs of hunters and marauders that roam Asylum trying to sate their endless hunger. Many of these packs are dominated by the Demon Lord Yeenoghu and strive to return him to the material plane.
  Goblin are the most common of the Goblinoids. Like their cousins, the Hobgoblins and Bugbears, Goblins are refugees from the Faewild, created to fight a war that was not theirs. Now, Goblins are a prolific and common sight across Asylum, as they struggle to fit into a new world they do not understand.
  Goliath are a tall and powerful folk descended from Stone Giants. While most reside in Aussir under The Ordning, some have left and settled on mountaintops and highlands across Asylum. Their natural fortitude and strength commonly see them hired as mercenaries.
  Half-Elfa are born from the union between Elves and Humans, and combine traits of both. Common across most lands of Asylum, they have a unique perspective into the nomadic world of the Elves, and the static civilisations of humanity.
  Half-Orc are born from the union between Orcs and Humans. They are one of the more common races in the West but are almost unheard of beyond Irral and Dryicir.
  Halfling are stout, brave and lucky humanoids. Supposedly blessed by The Baron with supernatural luck, they have become one of the most common races across Asylum, using their uncanny luck to aid them in their endeavours.
  Hobgoblin are commanding, red-skinned Goblinoids. Like their cousins, the Goblins and Bugbears, Hobgoblins are refugees from the Faewild, created to fight a war that was not theirs. Now, the Hobgoblins are adrift in Asylum, unsure of their place in this new world. Many are wandering vagabonds and sell swords, but some few do carve themselves a purpose in this world and hold fast to it.
  Human are prolific, adaptable and tenacious humanoids. Scattered across the many lands of Asylum are myriad different human cultures, some large and mighty, others small and peaceful, but all of them share a human's penchant for adapting and surviving.
  Kenku hail from the Feywild. Supposedly cast out and stripped of their wings by an ancient, unknowable crime, they now dwell in the eastern continent of Kethend. Skilled artisans and thieves alike, they have an uncanny knack for mimicking others' actions and speech.
  Kobold are small humanoids descended from dragons. Incredibly crafty and cunning, they are known for their sharp intellect and the contributions they have made to the field of magitech.
  Khenra are the jackal-headed warriors of Akhmaten. Almost always born as twins, they are beholden to the twin Gods of life and death and are trained from birth to be warriors and priests of their patron deity.
  Leonin are pious hunters of southern Dryicir. Having been integrated into the empire of Akhmaten thousands of years ago, they have become the chosen race of Mayetho, the Akhmaten God of Justice. In the desert empire, they are bastions of law, order and justice.
  Lizardfolka inhabit the some of the harshest environments across Asylum. Swamps, deserts, and the Underdark are all home to these ferocious hunters.
  Loxodon make their homes in the southern savannas of Okarthel. These gentle giants find themselves locked in a conflict with the Leonin despite their peaceful ways. As a result, many have fled to find safer homes.
  Minotaura are muscular, powerful humanoids with the head of a bull. Supposedly, they were created as servants of the Demon Prince Baphomet, but some were freed from the Demon's control by the legendary hero King Antigonias. They are split into two main societies, each following either Baphomet or Antigonias, who fight for control of the Underdark.
  Nagara are humanoid serpents hailing from the deserts and jungles of North Dryicir. Long since integrated into the empire of Akhmaten, they primarily serve as priests and apothecaries in the empire's strict caste system.   Orc are a powerful and intelligent race and one of the youngest in Asylum. According to legends, The Maker forged the first Orcs by scooping handfuls of the earth itself, before scattering them across Asylum. To this day, many Orcs remain devout followers of The Maker.
  Owlin are a race hailing from the Feywild. Resembling humanoid owls, they wield an innate ability to sense magic and are potent mages in their own right.
  Plasmoid are sentient oozes that are commonly thought to be the result of failed Elder experiments to create life. Having recently been awoken by the Great Severing, they find themselves lost in a world without any purpose.
  Reborn are humanoids brought back from the dead. Returned to the world by any number of means, they commonly search the world for a way to return them to full life, or finally pass on.
  Seko s are a race of humanoid sharks created by the dark magic of the Sahuagin. While most are now free from their tyrannical creators, they find themselves in a world wary of accepting them, in light of their heinous actions.
  Shifter are humanoids empowered by the nature spirits of the world. Capable of tapping into a primal inner beast, they can briefly transform into a bestial appearance.
  Skarns are a species of venomous rat-like humanoids that hail from the Underdark. Ostracized and hunted, they scavenge the caverns for whatever they can find to survive and have recently been pushed to the surface, where they dwell in the sewers beneath the great cities of Irell.
  Steelforgedh are a recent addition to Asylum. First created towards the end of the magitech revolution, they are beginning to become more common across the world as soldiers and servants.
  Tabaxi are supposed to be guardians of Asylum's jungles. Born from the Primal Spirit Arlian, these fierce, feline hunters often shirk their duties in seek of a life of adventure and freedom.
  Tesseracts are psionic, crystalline humanoids born from the corruptive influence of Warp. They are split into two castes; those that follow the Mother Crystal and her hivemind, and those that have escaped the hive and blaze their own trail.
  Tieflinga are humanoids born from the raw chaotic influence of Torment. When demonic magic taints the blood of a mortal family, a Tiefling is born. These individuals often draw from the power of the Demon Princes themselves, but some rare few have a bloodline devoid of any influence from them.
  Tortle resemble humanoid turtles and hail from the Shimmering Isles. They live long lives and many have dedicated themselves to unearthing the secrets of the natural world.

Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast