The Fier Death Condition in Astraesto | World Anvil
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The Fier Death

Burn them, burn them all, we cannot contaminate the Galaxy. I won't allow it.
-William Danin - Final Governor of Fier
The planet of Fier was once a wealthy planet that dominated the Federation Initial Sector of Keean. In the year 2882 all of that would change. A new disease was discovered, one completely foreign to humanity. It was at first believed to be another strand of the common cold, and no serious action was taken. A few small teams of the Federal Disease Control (FDC) took some interests in the cases, and ordered quarantine but they could find much wrong with their patients.   That was until a month after the first diagnosis. Suddenly, and seeming without warning the young man fell to the floor, coughing up black blood. This would only be the first death of many to come. This death would quickly draw attention to the disease, and within a matter of weeks the entire city of Belavik was in quarantine. The death toll quickly rose, all who contracted the virus died within the month. FDC forces swarmed the planet, and soon doctors clad in every form of protective gear imaginable became commonplace.   The virus was believed to be contained within Belavik, and while many inside it's borders were dying en masse, none outside were affected. That was until about four months into the outbreak, when another died. But not in Belavik, but the planetary capital, Lyenmore. Soon, nearly every large town and city on Fier was infected to some degree. Luckily, FDC was able to prevent any off planet infections, one of the only positive things to come out of the whole pandemic.    Eventually even most of the planetary government were infected, and soon began dropping like flies, even the governor, Jesse Lang. The entire planet quickly became engulfed in chaos, looting and homicide rates quickly rose, and the authorities were unable to assist. President Gideon appointed William Danin to the post of governor, although at that point, he had next to no power on the planet.    President Gideon was criticised harshly for his lack of any early response, and for providing almost no Federal support. Eventually he ordered Alliance to Fier, officially in order to hold the lockdown on the planet, but privately, to stop the spread of the virus for good through whatever means necessary.   The dead were burned in the thousands, as were their homes and wherever they had been. Looters and criminals were executed by firing squad, as marines struggled to maintain order. Leaving or exiting the planet without explicit permission became a capital offence, one in which there was no trial and execution was swift. Belavik, once the start of the virus and now a ghost town, was bombed by the 4th Subsector Fleet until there was nothing but rubble left.   Governor William Danin eventually gave the order, to burn even the living if they were infected. Those that had not yet succumbed attempted a final assault on the Governor's home. Not a single one of them would make it out, as marines defended the governor and his home. Fier was considered lost and the evacuation of Federal forces began. Danin was on the final ship to leave, along with the rest of his family. Just as they were about to arrive on board the flagship of Alliance, it was discovered that the ship was contaminated. Within moments Jeremiah, Eisert and Reynold opened fire. The ship was torn to shreds and it's crew and all it's passengers killed.    After a final bombing of the planet, killing any last remnants of life, Alliance retreated leaving only a small token force behind, to prevent anyone ever going to the surface of that cursed planet.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species

Cover image: Astraesto by Blocky


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