Falduhr "The Lost City" Geographic Location in Astoria | World Anvil
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Falduhr "The Lost City"

Although Strakelgar is the home city for most dwarves in Xorik, there are other smaller settlements throughout the continent. Most notably was the city of Falduhr, which was deep underground underneath Boriss northwest of Sol under the Galdurn Hills. Over the thousands of years, dwarven clans would occasionally leave Strakelgar to create new dwarven settlements. Over the years, these have either risen or fallen, but none have risen as high as Strakelgar.   The only other city that came close was Falduhr. Established thousands of years ago by dwarves seeking new mines far south of Strakelgar. Settling into a large cavern, the dwarves built the second most wondrous dwarven city: Falduhr. Overtime, the dwarves profited greately by selling great items and arms to the humans that lived above them. This relationship became profitable for King Balorn as he used the dwarven arms to help conquer most of the continent. The Balorn Kingdom and Falduhr embraced a close trading relationship that would last most of the human kingdom’s life.   After the Great War started, Falduhr continued to trade with the now Boriss. However, not too long after the Great War started, Falduhr suffered a terrible calamity. For centuries, the dwarves were starting to grow decadent. They valued wealth above all else and greed became their existence. As the dwarves mined deeper and deeper around Falduhr, their greed only grew. The remaining survivors of Falduhr recall the great city falling to widespread infighting. No one is sure who or what started it, but the violence became unprecedented as dwarf fought against dwarf. The few survivors that are alive to this day shudder at the memory and only refer to Falduhr as "The Lost City."

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