Circle of Crows in Astoria | World Anvil

Circle of Crows

"If you don't go to bed soon, the Circle of Crows will come and take you away!" Parents threat for young children
  The Circle of Crows is a secret order in the name of the Crown of Silverhand in Arundell Empire. This serves and obeys only the crown and the heir to the throne.   Main tasks of the Circle of Crows are information gathering and discreet eradication of problems. The Circle of Crows has existed since the first emperor who gave the Empire its name: Enoch Arundell. For many decades the Circle of Crows was feared, competitors or opponents of the Crown were thus eliminated. So one assumes, there were no witnesses of the purges or even corpses. Only black feathers that formed a circle were left behind.   Nothing has been heard or found of the Circle of Crows for about three generations. The order is now a rumor to scare small children. Children often dress up as members of the Circle of Crows with raven masks and black feather capes on the Masquerade of the Moon holiday.
Circle of Crows by Daphne Esterains