Yoshinaga the Dauntless Character in Asterra | World Anvil
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Yoshinaga the Dauntless

the Dauntless, Daimyo of Kyushu Yoshinaga Sugikawa

He glared up at the indomitable Oni King, all around him were fallen allies and enemies. The rest of his men were far behind, either fleeing or caught in awe of the beast that stand above him. This Oni was much larger and stronger than any Oni he'd ever seen before, and he'd been fighting Oni since he inherited this land from his father. The Oni's hand reached out and grabbed the man by the head. Its bulbous thumb resting upon the man's left eye. " Was close one, Hummy, but you was too small and me was too big. " It lectured, bringing the man's face close to his own. The black Oni's head was the size of the man's torso. Its breath reeked of spirit and rotted fish. It gave the man a leering smile before continuing. " Do not worry, Hummy. It will be over soon. " The Oni began applying pressure to the man's left eye. Pain erupted throughout the man's head, feeling as if his whole body was on fire. Patience The man let out a pained groan to the Oni's delight. The pressure only picked up more, causing the man to visibly grit his teeth. Agony The man caved and tensed his body letting out a loud yelp as the Oni forced his bulbous thumb into the man's eye socket. The blood flowed down his face as the Oni laughed in mockery. Rage The man's arm shot forward as he screamed. His movement was so fast it caught the Oni off-guard. The man's hand reached forward and clutched onto the target. There was a squeezing pressure, and then a pop as the Oni dropped the man and recoiled in shock and pain. The man crashed onto the ground, quickly attempting to stable himself on his feet again as he reached around for his weapon. The Oni looked back down to the man with anger and hatred filling his demonic eyes, but it was too late. There was a quiet groan, and then silence. The Oni fell backwards with a Nodachi lodged in it's left eye, stabbing through the back of the Oni's skull. The man stood above his lifeless foe, ripping the Nodachi from it's limp head.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Missing his left eye.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Yoshinaga, born Bankatsu, was born to the Sugikawa clan in the year 1173(Rokugan Calendar), the youngest of 3.   As soon as he could wield a weapon he underwent rigorous combat training. For since he would never rule Kyushu himself, he was expected to be an excellent soldier and general for the Sugikawa family. He would be raised this way his entire life, rarely taught the disciplines of court. Because of this, many would see Yoshinaga as violent or anti-social. It was for this very reason that he wouldn't marry until late into his life for Rokuganian nobles.   Around the year 1195 there was a massive Oni outbreak in Kyushu, the Sugikawa family had sent word to the Shogun requesting aid however the aid would never come. The Sugikawa clan would have to fight this war themselves. The Oni had overtaken many of the mountain paths and villagers, refusing to stop there. They made there way down the valleys often raiding the villages in the most immediate vicinity. For five years the Sugikawa clan would skirmish with the Oni, never able to turn the attack around on them.   In the year 1200 Yoshinaga, accompanied by his overzealous brothers, would launch their first real attack on the Oni homefront. The brothers were successful, leading to another attack. This would repeat over the coming year until they finally reached the grandest Oni stronghold, deep in the mountains. At this point, the Sugikawan forces had been beaten and battered from endless fighting. The Oni, however, were fresh and ready for another go. While Yoshinaga advised against it, his brother would charge into this battle like any other they had won in the past. This time the battle would end up being a catastrophe.   It was 1201 when Yoshinaga would not only lose his left eye, but also his two brothers and father all in one single battle. Many Rokuganians look back on this battle and see only a victory for the Sugikawan side, but Yoshinaga would often argue that it was the grandest defeat the Sugikawa family had ever seen. This battle would escalate Yoshinaga into the position of Daimyo for the Sugikawa clan. He was the last remaining survivor of the family, and he had just barely survived himself. What followed were the most stressful years of Yoshinaga's life as he attempted to court a suitable wife at his age whilst also attempting to learn how to run Kyushu himself.   Somehow, miraculously, Yoshinaga was able to pull it off. In 1205 he was married, and in 1206 she gave birth to his son and heir, Yoshihiro Sugikawa. It took much time and retraining, however Kyushu had truly thrived under Yoshinaga's rule until the Akuma invasion in 1226, where they promptly captured the old Daimyo and had him publicly executed. They mention how he continued fighting even after losing his left arm(His primary arm) and he was given a surprisingly respectful burial.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Victory over the Onis of Kyushu in 1201

Failures & Embarrassments

Loss of his two brothers and father in the final battle against the Onis of Kyushu. Loss of his left eye.
Lawful Neutral
1173 IE 1226 IE 53 years old
Circumstances of Death
Publicly Executed by Lord AKuma
Kogane, Kyushu
One black, fierce eye.
Black, long, messy, tied back in a ponytail.
Quotes & Catchphrases
" An eye for an eye. "
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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