White Rooms Building / Landmark in Aserere | World Anvil

White Rooms

The Akoko had many great machines. People made of rust that could walk, wheels are large as mountains with teeth that could grind whole beasts. Perhaps the greatest things they left behind was their White Rooms. Inside is a holy light that keeps wounds clean and the blood red and healthy. However, if the room is treated without respect, it will shut for 3 days and take is inside as sacrifice - living or not... -Nenek R'heqa   Close to Akoko cities and other ruins, large metallic dodecahedonic shapes called "White Rooms", named for the white metal that lines their insides. Intact White Rooms are uncommon, with most being crushed or their parts disassembled and scattered. Those that do remain whole, usually like some or most of their inner lining.   Still, the rooms are often treated with reverence and fully intact one is a powerful find for a tribe. Some have even taken pains and danger to move one to their village. It is therefore possible to find a White Room far from where they are usually found.

Purpose / Function

Wise and informed Loremasters will know that White Rooms are the ideal place for seriously ill patients, as the cleansing aura will keep even the most brutal of wounds from going gangrenous.


White Rooms are hexagonal in shape with 3 doors. Some White Rooms come connected with each others but many stand in isolation. Each side is usually 7 feet.    The inside is made of a smooth white metal that gives off a purifying aura.

Hazards & Traps

There are tales of people getting locked inside of the White Rooms only to disappear leaving only a small layer of fine white dust.

Special Properties

The metal of the rooms gives off an aura of Guematic and Phoqanic energies.


White rooms are former Akoko buildings and have angular designs. There are various Akoko  symbols on the sides, depending on where the White Rooms are located. The insides however are almost always exactly the same.
The Abandonment

Cover image: Aserere Cover Art by Robusta Art