Tyr Character in Arteria | World Anvil


Tyr is a deity of the Norse pantheon. He is the son of Odin and Frigga, and has a seat on the council of twelve at Asgard. Tyr also has worshipers in the worlds of Arteria.  

Appearance and personality

  Tyr is a strong, bearded man with a missing right hand.   He is the bravest and most honorable of the Aesir gods.    His trustworthiness is legendary; Tyr allowed the wolf Fenrir to bite off his right hand rather than break his word. To this day is the only god Fenrir shows any trust in. Tyr has never broken his word.   Tyr is Lawful Neutral in alignment. In some worlds, such as Arteria, he is considered Lawful Good.  


  Tyr is called the God of Courage and Strategy. He is called God of War.
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations