The Church of Tyr Organization in Arteria | World Anvil

The Church of Tyr

The Church of Tyr, individually referred to as the holy justices, is the institution to further the worship and tenets of the god of justice, Tyr . It is a highly organised, formal denomination that adheres to strict rules within their fortified temples. They mostly attract those who adhere to the lawfulness aspect of Tyr's portfolio, such as judges, bureaucrats and merchants.


  The Tyrrans see the world in black-and-white morality and want Arteria to be cleansed of its lawlessness and chaos. They are devoted to justice and the deliverance of vengeance, but not in the manner that seeks equality. Rather, they believe in illuminating the truth behind corruption and punishment of the guilty.  


  Intolerance and humorlessness is a common trait found among the faithful within the church of Tyr. This stark perspective extends into their outlook on life in the Realms, that the contrast between right and wrong is evident, and the justice they deliver is no laughing matter.  


  “Reveal the truth, punish the guilty, right the wrong, and be always true and just in your actions.”

Tenets of Faith

Law and order above everything else


Religious, Organised Religion
Leader Title
Notable Members