Transdimensional Plane Geographic Location in Arrhynsia | World Anvil

Transdimensional Plane

Where the wild things come from

  Some creatures - like Faran - come from other places that are not the tangible material plane within which Arryhnsia exists. The material plane we know is formed of four dimensions - three spatial (length, breadth, and height) and one temporal. A transdimensional plane, (generically plane), is distinguished from this plane by the spatial proximity that these worlds appear to have to the material plane, but their distinct otherness.
  Wizards theorize that the planes completely overlap each other invisibly in space - that is, other planes share a single dimension, or possibly two with the material plane, providing them access to the material plane, but being separate from it. Planes cannot normally be reached without the intervention of some magical device or spell, and the planes that can be reached this way are all contained within the weave.
  All the life forms whose planes are accessible to the material plane are friendly - or at least they typically don't try to immediately kill every living creature they meet on this plane and destroy the entire framework of our world. The exception to this rule is demons from the plane of the Abyss (not to be confused with the devils from the plane of Hell), who do immediately try to kill every living creature they meet, but leave the structure of the universe alone.

Cover image: Panoramic view by Kozlik


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