Bughuula Liadon Character in Arrhynsia | World Anvil

Bughuula Liadon (Bug - oo-lah Lee-ay-don)

From the village of Eryngyre, A beautiful, warm, generous and maddening high elf with antlers and a propensity for telling Aden "no" - a lot. She also has an obsession with an old male consort, and an extremely odd reluctance to reproduce.   Bughuula's distinctive antlers betray her emotions, and tatoos on her face that seem to have some kind of emotional significance to her.  She is an Eldritch Hunter and spends much of her life searching out abominations from beyond the weave who have invaded Arrhynsia in order to "return them to their own world", an euphemism for killing them.

Cover image: by Chevtaeva Liudmila


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