Lucrine Material in Arregeas | World Anvil
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Material Characteristics

Lucrine is a metal and has thus a smooth, shiny, reflective surface in pale yellow tones with a blue sheen in it. The blue is kind of holographic, so it looks like it's shifting over the surface of the metal.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Touching Lucrine can feel like an electrical shock or like one is being charged with energy, depending on its exact composition. It heats up quickly if touched. Sometimes it sparks over the surface if it is strongly charged with magical energy. Lucrine is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity, is ductile and malleable, and is corrosion resistant. It is especially great at bundling magical energy and conducting it. It also happens to be a great superconductor. Lucrine can be magnetised.


Lucrine is an alloy of gold, silver, copper, sometimes platinum and lightning, specifically lightning charged with magical energy from the Central Wilderness.

Geology & Geography

Because of the strong magical energy required, it can only be found in the Central Wilderness, mostly around the epicentre but also in zone one.

Origin & Source

Lucrine can be found in gold and silver deposits with high silver contents. If the ground is struck by lightning it melts the metals together and embues them with magical energy, thus forming Lucrine.

Life & Expiration

Lucrine is a stable metal, resistant to corrosion and non-radio active. It is, however, highly magically active and keeps this activity for long periods of time without the magic going off, which could be revolutionry for magical technology.

History & Usage


Ever since Lucrine and its properties were discovered it has been hailed as a revolutionary metal that is capable of taking Arregeas into a new age of magical technology and an easier life.


Lucrine was discovered in 5944 AR in the Central Wilderness by tilvinian researchers. The metal drew their attention on an exploration mission to one of the chasms, because of its blue sheen and the sparks it was giving off. The researchers took samples and analysed the metal in the laboratories, where they discovered its strong magical activity and great conductability. Once news of Lucrine had reached Mirkhar, the mirkhari dwarves began searching for the metal in their mountains and after years they found some of it in the northern off-shoots.

Everyday use

Lucrine has no everyday use. It is solely used for magical technology.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Lucrine has almost become synonymous with Tilvin, which uses the metal as coating for its city walls. Tilvin is also the main manufacturer of Lucrine.


Lucrine needs to be smelted out of ore for the most part.

Manufacturing & Products

Wires, coatings and other parts for magical technology.


The magical activity can be dangerous. Lucrine also produces electricity when heated so one could get electrocuted if the necessary precautions aren't taken.

Reusability & Recycling

Lucrine can be molten down again to make something new after its first use has expired. However, the magical properties might not be as strong as before, but that depends on the exact composition.


Trade & Market

Since Lucrine can only be found in the Central Wilderness and the northern off-shoots of the Fiery Mountains (which reach into the Central Wilderness), the city of Tilvin is the main seller of Lucrine, but Mikhar sells some too. They are, however, also the main buyer of Lucrine, since Mirkhar is at the forefront of developing magical technology. The transcontinental underground train is coated with Lucrine as well.


Just like gold, Lucrine is stored in bars. It does need special confinement because of its magical activity. It should never be stored together with other metals or magically active compounds. It's best to keep it in a dark room behind glass.
Extremely valuable
Like lightning
pale yellow with a blue sheen
Boiling / Condensation Point
2564.66 °C
Melting / Freezing Point
1036.92 °C
Depends on the exact composition, but usually somewhere around 12.92 g/cm3
Common State
Related Locations
Related Species


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