Waveroot Vehicle in Aroka: Fallen World | World Anvil


Prior to the arrival of Cogys naval explorers, Ohedyn had not given much though to traveling across the sea. They had built a paradise for themselves where they coexisted with nature instead of surviving at its mercy. However, when trade between them and the other nations was prosed, namely Ohedyn fruits, herbs, and vegetables for decorative gems and metals from Morydal and the knowledge of magic and science from Cogys, they decided they didn't want to be fully dependent on Cogys and their Seafarer for transport. In response, they grew their own vessels from trees coaxed into growing in the shapes of hulls and taming aquatic beasts to pull or push them. Though not as resilient as a Seafarer, Waveroots can hold their own in most sea conditions and can usually detect unfavorable weather well in advance due to the sensitivity of the creatures towing these vessels.


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