Dripping Leaf Building / Landmark in Aroka: Fallen World | World Anvil

Dripping Leaf

The Dripping Leaf is a structure located in the Amyhran Agricultural District made by of sticks and vines with a medium-sized tree as it main support. This is the closest the Ohedyn owner could get to replicating a genuine magically molded tree from their homeland. Though they occasionally serve alcoholic beverages, their main product is purified water using a process that closely replicates the ones utilized in Ohedyn. As many of the workers of the Amyhran Agricultural District are Ohedyn immigrants, a taste of home is more than enough to keep the establishment busy. The docile nature of the business and limited alcohol results in little trouble, which leads to few visits from Consort officials, making it an ideal meeting place for those that don't want to draw unnecessary attention or risk a chance encounter with the authorities.    In accordance with Ohedyn culture, they prefer to accept payment in the form of food or seeds, though they will, begrudgingly, accept currency to accommodate the other cultures of Amyhra.


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