Vasarad Character in Aroa | World Anvil
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Count (a.k.a. The Barrier Menace)

Looking down at you over a raised chin, this dragonborn maintains a smug look of superiority. His pale red scales streaked with black lines seem to almost bristle. Whether out of indignation or excitement, you cannot tell. He wears fine clothes that have certainly seen many years of use and rests one hand on the hilt of a fabulous rapier in his belt.   His hallow voice controlling each word, "What brings you to my home?" He then finishes quickly, "Unbidden!"

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

+1 Rapier

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Once the eldest son of a chieftain of an Arokath tribe before the founding of the Arokath kingdom at the beginning of the Age of Recovery. Vasarad held visions of grandeur of uniting the dragon-blooded people under his banner. Or conquering them. Either worked.   His father, the chieftain of his tribe, answered the call of Chieftain Rhaelion and died during Rhaelion's Last Stand along with most of his tribe. His people decimated and leaderless they scattered and were absorbed into the newly forming Arokath kingdom under Rhaelion's line.   Believing he was robbed of his destiny, he set out to create his own tribe. Gathering similarly scattered dragon-blooded. But the threat of The Blood War was far from over. A group of fiendish creatures ambushed his group as they trekked through the mountains. Killing many and capturing the rest.    Vasarad was then subjected to a ritual (unbeknownst to him by servants of Orcus) in which he was forced to bath in and drink the blood of his captured kin-folk; shattering his mind. After the ritual he became a vampire. Freeing himself days later and slaughtering his captors he hunted The Barrier Mountains aimlessly in search of blood. Frequently attacking patrols and other monsters.   Over a few decades he was able to grow in power and calm his mind enough to remember who he was. He then began his plans for taking over Arokath and built Castle Night's Hallow. Still battling for control over his vampiric tendencies he regularly attacks patrols wandering through the mountains.

Mental Trauma

  • Losing his father and tribe during Rhaelion's Last Stand.
  • Undergoing the ritual of vampirism.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Intelligent, Wise, and Charismatic though he suffers from bouts of rage and mania.
  • Lays plans out years and decades into the future.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Values his dragon-blooded kin highly and turns them into servants or greater thralls rather than killing them.
  • Keeps others races as lesser thralls or slaves.
  • Cares little for the War of Calderian Expansion and only seeks to rule Arokath.

Personality Characteristics


To become the King of Arokath



Holds himself in high regard and tries to project an air of royalty but a keen eye would show that he is anything but.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
About 1000 years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Faded pale red scales with streaks of black
Known Languages
Common, Draconic,
Ruled Locations


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