The Solanians Ethnicity in Arkos | World Anvil
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The Solanians

In the light, others find us. In the dark, we find ourselves. - Ancient Solanian Writing   The term Solanians refers to the first humaniods that occupied the continent now known as Solanus after The Cataclysm ravaged the surface of Arkos. Initially banding together with a mutual need of survival like the other races scattered across the planet, the Solanians eventually developed a rich and powerful society that occupied most of the territory belonging to the modern day Oreion Inquisition, Kingdom of Velant, and portions of southern Frigus.   Artifacts and ruins of the Second Age civilization are still being discovered and unearthed by members of both The Phoenix Academy and House Darkcorht of the Oreion Inquisition, producing evidence that suggests most humans in Oreion can trace their roots back to the Solanians. There is also evidence that suggests that the Solanians may have co-existed peacefully with the various beastfolk tribes that still litter Solanus; a sharp contrast to the tense relationships the beastfolk share with the civilizations of the third age.   According to scholars, the Solanians rose to power after the disappearance of The Alphacians following The Cataclysm, and maintained their vast civilization from approximately 165 2A to 1766 2A. Interestingly, and perhaps due to their withdrawl after The Cataclysm, the Solanians did not follow a particular Ancient, nor is there substantial evidence suggesting they even worshipped the Creator. Instead, many findings propose that the Solanians worshipped the Sun itself, or at least something they commonly referred to as 'The Light'.   The Solanian civilization as a unified body eventually met its end due to circumstances beyond their control. The emergence of the Primordials, specifically the Black Drake Onagore, and the destruction wrought by The Crimson Harvest brought the once vast civilization to ruin and fragmentation, eventually leading to the formation of the Great Houses the Oreion Inquisition is comprised of.
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