Countess Akasha Character in Argent | World Anvil
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Countess Akasha

Countess Akasha Cruorem (a.k.a. The Blood Queen)

One of the members of the Counts and Countesses of Ailsfall, Akasha is an elven vampire, known for her talent in the art of hemomancy. Perhaps the most charming out of the entire conclave, Akasha is one of the most public members of the conclave.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Like most vampires, Akasha is in near perfect physical condition. She has an unusually healthy glow to her face for an undead, and her figure hides near supernatural levels of strength and agility.

Identifying Characteristics

Aside from her skin tone, the most exceptional part of Akasha's appearance are the tattoos across her arms and wrist.

Apparel & Accessories

Akasha dresses most commonly in reds and blacks, sporting at least one piece of jewelry at all times.

Personality Characteristics


Akasha states that her interests are Ailsfall's interests; that she does what she does for the good of the town.

Likes & Dislikes

Akasha is a bit of a purist when it comes to vampirism; she hates what she considers to be 'impure' vampires, which happens to be the underlings of most of the other conclave members.   Akasha also has a taste for the finer things; paintings, gems, fine foods, and all of the niceties that money can buy.


Family Ties

The only known member of Akasha's family is her daughter, Dawn.

Social Aptitude

Even with full awareness of who she is and what she does, even the more puritanical individual would be hard-pressed to resist Akasha's silver tongue. This goes doubly so in a place like Veno'mia, where hemomancy is no more objectionable than evocation, and vampirism is seen as a blessing rather than a curse to many. Akasha is quick to make allies and able to weasel herself out of any corner, all without casting a cantrip.


Akasha carries herself like nobility; she always sticks to titles, pays attention to social etiquette, and avoids faux pas like the plague. While others who do so would seem arrogant to certain crowds, Akasha's natural magnetism allows her to appeal to all types.


Akasha is loathe to swear, and her compliments are plentiful. Akasha gesticulates when she talks, often gesturing to the person or people she's addressing, moving her hands around for emphasis, and generally bringing any conversation alive with her motions.


Countess Akasha

Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Count Viscardi



Count Viscardi

Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Countess Akasha



Relationship Reasoning

As the only other conclave member who is a 'pure' vampire, Akasha has a comparatively good opinion of Viscardi. Though 'greedy' is one of the first words Akasha would use to describe Viscardi, she respects his pragmatism and ability to cajole the common man.   Viscardi, similarly, respects Akasha's hustle. Akasha is far more preferable than Cant Voz'nek, as far as magical experts go, and so Viscardi sees no reason to antagonize or revile the Blood Queen. Her frequent withdrawals on the blood cache in the city is some what irritating, but she makes up with it with the sheer volume of flesh and bone she deposits in turn.

Countess Akasha

Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Cant Voz'nek



Cant Voz'nek

Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Countess Akasha



Relationship Reasoning

Koz'nek has very strange and abhorrent vampire underlings, and thus Akasha has little respect for them. Though they work together in magical pursuits, Akasha keeps Koz'nek at arm's length, uninterested in being in the comparatively lead-tongued vampire's company. Despite all of this, Koz'nek's knack for the arcane is impressive, and can't be ignored.

Countess Akasha

Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Count Cerci



Count Cerci

Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Countess Akasha



Relationship Reasoning

Akasha sees herself as above Circe in many ways. Rather than relying on her sizable strength to handle her problems, Akasha purses the noble art of magic. She sees Circe as brutish, and filled with untapped potential. Not to mention, his vampire spawn are 'impure' and thus she can only muster so much respect for him.

Countess Akasha

Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Countess Dru



Countess Dru

Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Countess Akasha



Relationship Reasoning

Dru stays out of Akasha's way for the most part, and provides her valuable information about the greater area of Veno'mia. However, Akasha finds Dru to be simply unsettling, and her spawn's deficient traits breeds a level of contempt in Akasha.

Wealth & Financial state

As a member of the conclave, Akasha surely has an impressive amount of wealth, how much it is exactly is not public knowledge. Akasha's underlings are most concentrated in any form of magical research or trade of magical goods that passes through Ailsfall; if its magic, Akasha likely knows about it.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1628 AF 147 Years old
Current Residence
Ptch black sclera and pupil with red irises
Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned olive
Aligned Organization

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Character Portrait image: FIELD OF THORNS - WHISPER by Caisne


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