Counts and Countesses of Ailsfall Organization in Argent | World Anvil
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Counts and Countesses of Ailsfall

The Counts and Countesses of Ailsfall is a vampire conclave that presides of Ailsfall. It has five public members, each with their own underlings, servants, and slaves.


Each member of the conclave holds equal power. The members meet when they agree its necessary, and aren't beholden to a specific schedule. Decisions of the conclave are done with majority vote.

Public Agenda

The conclave manages and protects the city, though it's no secret that they only do the bare minimum; the conclave's exploitation of Ailsfall is undisguised. However, the conclave does protect the city from roving bandits and monsters, and places enough law and order to facilitate trade.   The conclave also holds the boon of vampirism over the townsfolk, promising immortality and enough personal power to rise above the rabble to anyone who merits such generosity. Cases of this actually happening are rare, though common enough to keep the hope alive.


  Count Viscardi
Countess Akasha
Cant Voz'nek
Countess Dru
Count Cerci
Founding Date
1730 AF
Geopolitical, City council
Alternative Names
The Conclave of Ailsfall
Government System
Economic System
Palace economy
Controlled Territories

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