Regradis IV, the Black Lion - 128th King of Kings Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Regradis IV, the Black Lion - 128th King of Kings

Of the Dardramor Dynasty [Sigil: A Black Shield, a Raven resting upon it, upon a Silver Field]   Born Remo, Irsud the Just's first son took the name Regradis upon coronation, hoping to recapture the ancient glory of the men who previously wore the name. Also wishing to pay homage to his Zalja heritage, he took the black lion as his personal sigil, a symbol associated with an ancient goddess of valor in that nation. Regradis IV is a most peculiar king. He was incredibly popular, yet he spent less than a year of his reign in Monos, leaving government in the hands of his Six (among them his Aunt Iranni, his father’s twin, who would prove to be the only link between Regradis and his nation for much of his rule). He dedicated his life to military campaigns, first in Embelmadro attempting to regain lands lost to East Orckid centuries ago, then in Vaina attempting to expand Northern Monos, and finally into West Orckid, where he spent his final five years in Ajman, an East Orckid city surrounded by West Orckid territory. There he spent his time with Orckid nobility and reportedly took an Orckid princess as his paramour (though it was never clear if she was a princess of East or West Orckid). His Six ruled competently without him. Whether Regradis ever took a wife or fathered heirs is unknown. He died in Ajman in 632 RA, and his youngest brother Leonardo took the crown (the middle son having given up his claim to become a hosterman with the Old Faith). Iranni ruled for much of Regradis’ life, and was often called the Shadow Queen or the Queen in the Shadows, despite that she never made any secret of her actions or her policy-proposals. Other members of the Six often tried to have her removed, but even when the Black Lion became unreachable, he would send annual edicts demanding she stay in place. Leonardo helped to ensure this.