Irsud, the Just - 127th King of Kings Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Irsud, the Just - 127th King of Kings

Of the Dardramor Dynasty [Sigil: A Black Shield, a Raven resting upon it, upon a Silver Field]   Irsud came to power during the Monterani Rebellion. His first act was to reinstate his father Tyrano's edicts granting increased power to the nobility. He used this to leverage support from the nobles against the rebels, prevailing against them in 590 RA. The elder rebel, Hestarro, was executed for treason, but his younger brother Ricard repented and was forgiven (the youngest, Jas, had been slain in battle). Irsud continued the practice of the Six, and remarkably, Ricard served as one of his Six for eight years before dying in a tourney mishap in 598 RA. Irsud’s twin sister Iranni also served on the Six, despite frequent loud objections. Irsud did manage to subtly introduce some laws increasing peasants’ rights, but not as much as his brother Elwan  had. Irsud very consciously chose to marry a Monosi noblewoman from an established house, with whom he had three sons and three daughters. He died of a heart attack in 612 RA at the age of two-and-fifty.