Elwan - 126th King of Kings Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Elwan - 126th King of Kings

Of the Dardramor Dynasty [Sigil: A Black Shield, a Raven resting upon it, upon a Silver Field]   Elwan was a remarkably controversial king. He reversed several of his father’s edicts increasing noble authority, unifying provincial laws and increasing the rights of the commonwealth. This made him extremely unpopular with the nobles, who used his Zaljan heritage to slander him to the peasantry. He was highly celebrated one week and universally reviled the next. Elwan officialized the Zaljan concept of the Six, which his father had utilized often in an unofficial capacity: selecting a council of six trusted advisers to help govern the realm. Elena Brevesse, Tyrano’s second wife, was part of Elwan’s Six until her death in 588 RA. She loved Elwan like a son (some said their love was unnatural), but was unable to keep her own sons from rebelling against him. Called the Monterani Rebellion because the sons were based there, this war spanned nearly the entirety of Elwan’s brief reign. Elwan was slain in battle against his brothers by an unknown warrior. Elena, his trusted adviser and mother of the rebels, was imprisoned and executed by her own sons, who called her a traitor for failing to support their cause.