Onniq (Green) Species in Ardre | World Anvil

Onniq (Green)

A breed of onniq seen frequently in the Carnai steppe, Laizhou, and especially the Republic of Yena, the green onniq is bred for labor and endurance. More docile than any other breed, they excel and pulling loads and are often used to help plow fields and lead carts of small families cross-country. Their beaks are duller than other breeds (though still dangerous), and have been known to survive on a mash of grains along with meat (though they do not thrive on it).   Green onniqs have become very popular among farming families that can afford them, and are also being used as training mounts for some of the wealthier families, though of course the reliability of horses keep them more popular in such circles. Green onniqs are seen more as a novelty among the rich.

Basic Information


Large, centralized bodies, with long necks and large heads, enormous legs ending in three-toed feet with sharp claws. Onniqs also have huge, sharp beaks, though the green onniq's beak is slightly duller.   As expected from the name, green onniqs have feathers the color of pale grass, with wheat-colored trim along their wings and around their eyes. Their beaks and claws are black. Albinism is virtually unheard-of with this breed.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like all onniqs, they are carnivores. Some attempts have been made to accustom them to grains, however, and while it is not ideal for their health, green onniqs can ingest some grains with their meat without serious ill effect.   When left unattended, green onniqs are known to graze grass. This should be prevented however, as they vomit up the grass soon after, and this habit can greatly weaken them over time.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Green onniqs are notably less aggressive than their cousins, and some have tried leaving them in pens together. This inevitably leads to a pecking order, where the birds mildly assault one another until a clear social hierarchy is established. The onniqs at the top of this hierarchy tend to become more recalcitrant and less useful for labor, so this sort of penning is discouraged by experts.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found principally in the Carnai Steppe, rural Laizhou, and the Republic of Yena.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
25 years
Average Height
6' 6"