Garlad Ainros Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Garlad Ainros

Prince Garlad Ainros

First son of Prince Geralt the Black Dog and Ideina Tallmun.   Ideina Tallmun was famously in love with Geralt's younger brother Ruarc, and and Geralt even accused Ruarc of fathering Princess Dienna, Garlad's younger sister. Because of this, some doubt was thrown even on Garlad's paternity.   Ultimately, Garlad's life was a short and sad one. Prince Geralt died in the Southern Rebellion, and Ruarc was made Regent until Prince Gwynt came of age. Ruarc often brought Garlad into meetings to learn how governance was done, incensing Gwynt against him. When Gwynt finally assumed the crown, he arrested not only Prince Ruarc, but also Lady Ideina (whom he had married after Geralt's death), Princess Dienna, Garlad himself, and young Ronart, whom Ruarc and Ideina had born after marrying.   They were thrown into the Cold Moat, a dismal and chilly place normally reserved for the most vile of traitors. Garlad lived the rest of his life there, dying of a chill in 900 RA.


Family Ties

4886 4900 14 years old
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by JD Medaeris
Character Portrait image: Prince Garlad Ainros by DALL-E