Bariad Straight Geographic Location in Ardre | World Anvil

Bariad Straight

A relatively small stretch of water between the Bitter Sea to the northwest and the Holy Sea to the southeast. According to popular tradition, the ancient Yenai crossed the Straight from the Yeqat Peninsula to the Qesayuk Peninsula and into Southern Olveiria.   Also called the Straight of Vequa by the Yenese, the Bariad Straight is officially said to be held by Zalja, despite their distance from it. The Holy Qhaganate's military power diminishes sharply outside their borders, but their economic, political, and religious reach is unrivaled. Yena is notoriously weak at sea, and Taqseyat's navy is more often focused on the Bitter Sea itself. The Bay is often a site of conflict between Taqseyat and the whalers of Parriqia, both often purchasing dispensations to "defend Zalja" from their adversaries.
Alternative Name(s)
Straight of Vequa
Location under
Owning Organization