The Tyrant - Abyssal Lord in Arcathia: The new Order | World Anvil
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The Tyrant - Abyssal Lord

Biography of Occult Entity



  The true appearance of this entity is not that of a wise old man, but an almost mummified skeleton covered in withered reddish brown tissue.   Beneath their robes are no legs either, but a set of tentacles on which they slither like some combination of octopus and snake. Their right hand also only has a thumb and index finger, as the rest of their limbs are a set of sharp tendrils.  


  This entity comes off as wise and charming. Even in their aged manifestation, they carry themselves with youthful grace and the way they wield their words like poetry makes them oddly attractive and almost seductively so.   Even in the face of threats, they are calm and rather use words than violence to solve the problem. Having a knack for turning even their own enemies into servants of the dark.  


  This entity seeks to rebuild and reform an empire of eld, long lost to the winds of time. To this end, they employ any means necessary. Fighting both mortal, immortal and fellow abyssal lords in a quest for dominion. One which they as the leader of the Tragedites have no few subordinates slaving away to achieve.  


  The Tyrant was eventually captured within the Forlorn city, as brought down by Kasus Khzar in a final clash against the abyssal lords.   As vengeance for all the pain he had caused. Kasus locked them up within the deepest pits of the Nûzrath Zhalasar manor, known as the house of horrors which the creature ran before betraying his ancient race in favour of the void.


Subject: 7YR4N7 - Tyrant   Threat level: Extreme   Manifestation: This creature manifests as a wise old man with a large greyed beard and two blue orbs for eyes.   Powers: This entity possesses clairvoyance, meaning it can see all possible futures ahead and plan ahead for it. They are also highly intelligent and their tendrils can pierce into machinery to corrupt and rewire it. Effectively turning man and machine to flesh warped horrors.   Dangers: Plays their cards cleverly. The Tyrant is a calm and collected being that works within the shadows, sowing their seed of discord between groups of people to build walls and hatred towards each other. They then supply both sides with weaponized machinae while being the only winner, reaping the harvest of corpses.   Weaknesses: For a creature that can see all possible futures, this entity seems blind to whatever exists in their point blank vision. A calm and open mind is the key to resist their influence. Full throttle ahead annihilation is the key to putting the fucker in the dirt.


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