Morghal - Abyssal Lord in Arcathia: The new Order | World Anvil
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Morghal - Abyssal Lord

Biography of Occult Entity



  The entity looks like a massive black hound, near twice the size of a grizzly bear. It has thick fur that is almost oily to the touch, though unlike ordinary creatures it is not flammable but rather cool to the touch and a layer of protection from both blunt, sharp and fire.   Both within the creature's blood and saliva, it carries the same sort of pestilence that turns people into dogfolk. It is uncertain if this entity controls the mind of the infected, or if they are merely lost to bloodlust.  
Personal note: Should get a sample from these creatures. Perhaps the old laboratories in Andzathar still remain functional. That is, if we can get past all the Eldûnn.


  This entity has a rather skittish and scared attitude. One could compare it to a beaten and abused hound which acts erratically and oftentimes viciously. Its actions could even be seen as lamentable, as it only ever affects those who give in to fear, while running away from those that stand their ground.   For an entity that could easily kill most other creatures, it sure prefers to turn tail and run rather than attack in broad daylight. Aspiration   Unlike all other entities of the void, Morghal does not seem to have any aspirations of their own. Not even more subtle and harmless schemes seem to be of interest to this creature.   Rather, this entity seems to be subservient to those that show signs of incredible prowess and strength. This servitude does go hand in hand with worship though, as whichever companion Morghal chooses, this mortal seems to require to show piety to remain in control.   To further the persona of a wounded dog, this creature is swift to abandon its skittish nature and bite into the throat of anyone that betrays it.  


  Morghal proved to be one of the harder creatures to capture. Beyond the obvious complications of its subtle nature, the entity also had no shortage of followers and deadly creatures that got in the hunters path.   Eventually, Kasus Khzar uncovered a scarnic tribe which directly utilized creatures carrying Morghal’s curse as living weapons. These werekin happened to be the gifted ulfhednar that got turned into the beasts, leaving Khzar with a good lead on the creature.   Khzar tracked the entity down as a companion and idol of a scarnic warchief, who was eventually slain. The hunter required the aid of fellow tribes that remained incorrupt and a local dwarven clan to defeat the threat though, signifying just how extreme of a danger Morghal possesses.   He has now been locked away in the depths of Andzathar. Chained down to the machines within and guarded by the local custodians.


  Subject: H0UN4 - Morghal   Threat level: Extreme   Manifestation: The shadow of a hound. Often appears briefly in the corner of the eye and then disappears like a mirage, making it hard to decipher whether it was real or just a trick of the mind.   Powers: The hound itself possesses supernatural strength, speed and agility. Beyond that, the worshipers of Morghal also seem to be granted a type of terminal curse that twists only mortal beings into hulking wolf shaped men with a thirst for blood.   Dangers: While it remains unknown as to how it works, those that lay their eyes on the entity’s manifestation will suffer death either by natural causes, beast attacks or accidents, between the span of a week.   Worship of the creature is proven to directly nullify this apparently inevitable demise. Causing many to fall into the creatures thrall with somewhat free will.   Weaknesses: Though it would appear inevitable, the curse is not unbreakable. If one were to see the shape of this entity’s manifestation, whistle.   Unlike most hounds, this one seems to fear the whistling. Escaping from its target to seek other prey.
Writing by Tonarus
Art AI generated with Midjourney

Note from the Present:

  It would seem we have found the origins of the werewolves and other werekin here. What boggles my mind is that by no other records have I ever even heard of this deadly curse or anyone that has died briefly after spotting a black dog.   After consulting my fellow scholars and contacts, we believe that the reason why might be because Morghal has either been slain, or more likely has been securely guarded by the House of Wolves.   The dots between past and present connect too perfectly.   -Omar Azur


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